Chapter 28: Let It Heal

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Jsano wiped the sweat off of his forehead as he placed another piece of solidified taint onto his work station beside him. Placing down the tweezers he picked up his stitching kit. What he's told everyone else is that you don't need modern technolodgy to heal someone, but your hands and a good instinct. Jsano stitched together the hole that he made in Beef's abdomen.

"Alright Beef... relax." Jsano said, but was pretty sure that he was talking to himself. Jsano took off the doctors gloves that he put on and threw them out. Jsano looked to his hands and realozed that they weren't shaking. Perhaps he had just beaten the dark man's curse? No... not for a long shot.

Jsano put took off the bloodied white shirt that he had on and threw it down a shaftway, going into the nearby closet and retrieving a new one. As he put it on over his head, Jsano heard a moan. Looking to where it was coming from, Jsano watched as Anders sat up slowly. Anders leaned against the bed post and part of the wall, his left hand on his head whilst his right sat lazily beside him. Anders opened his eyes and looked around, his tired gaze meeting Jsano's pleased one.

"Glad your up." Jsano said as he got into his firefighter gear.

"What... what happened...?" Anders asked, his voice hoarse and shakey. Jsano sighed as he grabbed a wet towel from beside him. Anders looked to his right arm as he uncomfortably squirmed to try and move it. The arm didn't budge. Anders looked to Jsano.

"What... what happened t... to my arm...?" Anders asked in a panicked tone of voice. Jsano just threw his now dirty towel aside as he wondered back over to Pause. Anders knew something had happened, but why Jsano was not telling him what had occured made him worrisome.

"You wanted to know what happened? Taint poisoning." Jsano answered, not bothering to look to Anders as he checked Pause's lifesupport. Anders stayed quiet.

"Beef didn't let me help him when he dropped you two off. He was stubborn, s he said that he needed to get to the commander. By the time Adlington and MC brought him in here, the taint had spread uncontrollably all over his body. I tried my best but, hell! Don't even think I got it all... He's lucky it didn't kill him.." Jsano informed as Anders looked down.

"What... what about Pause...?" Anders asked.

"Pause? His body reacted terribly to the taint. It's negative reaction forced his heart to stop, to prevent the taint from getting to it. I restarted it and took out the taint. It was difficult, but I did." Jsano told him. As Jsano worked peacefully, Anders sat upright and thought of questions to ask. One kept spiraling around in his head, taunting him, bugging him, that he eventually had to ask it.

"What about me..?" Anders asked, his Swedish accent catching the nurse off guard. Jsano stopped and turned towards Anders.

"What?" Jsano asked him. Anders sat there, his right arm on the bed whilst his right on was in his lap. Jsano put down his medical chart.

"Nothing, now can I get back to work?" Jsano asked, but Anders didn't move.

"Snälla Jsano..." (Please) Anders begged. Jsano stared at him for a bit before the male nurse finally sighed.

"The, taint, didn't effect the left side of your body whatsoever. The right however..." Jsano stalled as Anders slightly shifted his position.

"Your right arm is temporarily paralyzed... the taint had disrupted the nerves and muscles... saying that, you need rest." Jsano said, and Anders looked down at his arm. Jsano sighed.

"After what happened to Kurt I didn't think I'd be able to pick up another medical tool again..." Jsano admitted, and as Anders layed down, he smiled.

"But you did. You saved all three of us." Anders said.

"Did I? Beef might never wake up again, Pause might die if his body sustains any more damage and you... you might never be able to use your arm again." Jsano argued.

"Stop being negative, du rumpa herre, your starting to sound like Dahrk." (You butt lord) Anders groaned, and Jsano gave of a slight grin, not saying anything.

"We're all gonna pull through this." Anders told him, and Jsano nodded.

"Yeah... yeah we are..." Jsano mumbled. Anders growled.

"Man... just thinking of Dahrk get's my blood boiled!" Anders admitted, some of his strength coming back to him. Jsano chuckled.

"Bad for your health if you over boil it." Jsano joked, and Anders chuckled.

"Hardy har har, Mr. Joker." Anders said.

"I know. Aren't I hilarious?" Jsano smiled. Anders smiled back.

"When we heal, we'll go and kick Dahrk's ass. All of us, as a group. How does that shound?" Anders asked him. Jsano wiped his hands on his pants as he shook his head is a ray of discombobulation.

"All of us?" Jsano asked, and Anders nodded. Jsano paused for a moment, then a smile appeared on his face.

"Let's kick some demon ass."

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