Chapter 8: The Oldest of Warriors

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Baj checked over the folder for Vrijen, seeing over the years what he has done and what he hasn't. Whilst doing so, he skimmed his eyes over something interesting. Vrijen's parents were killed by their neighbors when he was small, leaving him to himself until now.

Baj groaned, and put the folder on the table, hearing as three pairs of footsteps came up behind him. Turning around, Baj watched as Guude, Pause, and Beef walked up to him.

"Find anything useful?" Guude asked, and Baj sighed.

"Well, Vrijen's parents were killed when he was three when their neighbors found out that they were hybrids. Shoved them in body bags and buried them." Baj said, and Beef shivered.

"Didn't need the whole essay Baj..." Beef groaned, and Paise grimaced.

"Yeah. I'd like to keep my lunch, please..." Pause said, and Guude chuckled.

"Anything else?" Guude asked, and Baj checked over the folder once more. Shaking his head slightly whilst continuing his search, Baj sighed.

"No... I don't thi- Oh!" Baj said and flipped back through the folder. He picked up a sheet of paper.

"Vrijen disappeared for three years a couple of years back. Appeared covered in scars with torn clothes on him." Baj said and handed Guude the piece of paper.

"Explains on how he got his mark. That's about the time Elk had been there." Guude said, and placed the paper back into the folder. Beef shook his head, crossing his arms in the process.

"Something's up, man. We haven't seen Dahrk or Herobrine since Elk, Vrijen, and Pak's disappearance. Something is up." Beef groaned.

"We understand you must think that Beef, but we must keep our calm about it. If the Duo of Distruction find out that we are on edge, they will strike when we least expect it." Guude said, and glanced over to the bearded man. Beef gave off a sigh, and nodded.

"I'm sorry sir. I'm just... on edge, that's all." Beef apologized, and Guude gave him a slight nod.

"We all are, Leiutenant. It's of the matter being left without one of your own. Kurt's untimely death was a shocker to you all, and it didn't help that the murderer got away." A voice said from behind them, and in walked Nebris, his hands behind his back and his posture quite elegant. Pause chuckled.

"You don't need to act like an underling around here, Nebris. We're all equal human beings." Pause told him, and Nebris smiled at the shirtless man.

"I am doing this of my own wanting, Leiutenant Pause. It is not because I feel underlinged, but because it is what I am used to." Nebris said, and walked towards Millbee's and Mhykol's work stations. As the four took their eyes off of the Prince of the End, they continued their chat.

"Anyways... anything more from this case folder?" Guude asked Baj, and Baj shook his head.

"No sir." He answered. As time went on, their conversation became more of timeless chatter, the main topic became more of a wide spread of small talk. Then, the door bursted open, and all Mindcrackers in that one room looked amazed to the door that had slammed.

A man stood in the doorway. He had a long white beard with white hair on the side of his head, shut brown eyes, a leather cloak around his body with leather pants, and a sash around the barely show bare chest that strung across and down.

Guude was cautious. As the man looked around the slighty silent room, Guude walked towards the older man with caution.

"Can I, help you, sir?" Guude asked, and the old man lowered his hands from the doors.

"Is this the Mindcraftia Police Acadamy?" He asked, and Guude nodded. He smiled.

"Good. Because I have some news to tell you." The old man said as Anders walked into the room. With his head down, Anders walked beside Mhykol, who tapped the Swede on the shoulder. As Anders looked up, Mhykol pointed to the old man.

The old man locked eyes with Anders, and the two shared a glare for a couple of seconds before the old man looked back at Guude.

"I have only one question for you, Mr. Bolderfist." The old man said, and Guude secretly reached for his blaster.

"How do you know my name?" Guude asked, and the old man raised his eyebrow.

"Listen, young whippersnapper. Just answer the question." The old man said, and Guude looked back. His companions nodded, and Guude looked slowly back to the older gentleman.

"What's the question?" Guude asked, and the old man stroked his beard.

"Do you know of a, Luna Moonstone?" He asked Guude, and Guude gasped. Guude stuttered back, and his hand flew far away from his blaster holster.

"H-How do you... how do you know Commander Luna?" Guude asked sternly, and the old man smiled slightly.

"So you do know who she is. Then I have come to the right place, hm?" He asked, and Guude saw his Lieutenants reaching for their blasters. Guude put his hand up, and the three of them relaxed.

"I'm going to ask you one last time; who are you and how do you know former Commander Luna?" Guude asked, and the man smiled. He linked his hands behind his back and gleemed at the commander.

"My name is Rob Willakers, I am a former member of the Mindcraftia Police Acadamy and the former second in command to Luna Moonstone."

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