Chapter 6: Magic and Gemstones

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Nebris took in the fresh air of the new planet he was on. It was strangely like the air from the End, just less dense. Guude wondered beside Nebris whilst the two pigmen children stayed behind him.

"Already excusing yourself from us, Nebris?" Guude asked, and the purple eyed man smiled briefly at Guude before turning back ahead. He shook his head.

"No... I'm just contemplating my next move." Nebris said. Guude chuckled.

"Or maybe, their, next move?" Guude asked, but it sounded more of a fact. Nebris groaned.

"Perhaps..." Nebris said, and the two were quiet. Terioult and Seros watched as the two men silently watched the sun setting and walked beside him.

"Hello, Mr. Nebris. I Terioult!" Terioult introduced, and Nebris smiled at them.

"I Seros. Good meeting you." Seros said. Nebris smiled. He had always known that pigmen children were cute, but he didn't know that they were this cute. Nebris smiled.

"It is nice to meet the both of you." Nebris smiled. Terioult giggled.

"You Enderman? You can magic?" Terioult asked, and Nebris nodded. Seros' eyes widened.

"Can you show Seros and Terioult?" Seros asked, and Nebris sighed. He knelt down in front of the two of them, his hand being extended towards the two. His hands started to pulsate, and a glowing purple like mist surrounded it and rose towards the sky.

What was it? Magic. Ender magic, to be precise. Terioult smiled, while Seros giggled.

"Cool!" Seros laughed. Nebris grinned as the magic on his hand disappated. Guude smiled, and walked behind the two pigmen children. He placed a hand on each of their backs and smiled at Nebris.

"You might want to get some sleep, my friend. You look like you haven't slept in days." Guude said, and Nebris frowned. The truth is, he hasn't. He slightly nodded at the Commander, who was now telling the children to wait inside.

As the two kids ran inside, Guude walked up to the Enderman.

"You have a home here, remember that." Guude said, and Nebris nodded. Guude patted the man's back and walked back inside. Nebris retook his original position and he started to stare into the night sky. He sighed.

"I have a home..." He whispered.

Dahrk, his hands behind his back, glared into the open viewing portal, watching as Nebris showed his magic to the kids. Herobrine, who was sitting impatiently on his throne, growled at Dahrk.

"I thought you enslaved all of the End people." Herobrine said, and Dahrk looked at his master.

"It wasn't up to me to make sure, my liege." Dahrk answered, and the god rose an eyebrow.

"Wasn't it? I had given specific orders! Absaloutely NO interference from opposite dimensions. And what is this newcomer of theirs? An Ender!" Herobrine growled fiercefully, he standing up in the middle of his sentance and walking towards the viewing portal. Dahrk bowed.

"My apologies, my liege. I should have known better then to let that dumpkoff ensure their slavery..." Dahrk said, and Herobrine side glared the wither hybrid. He turned to Dahrk.

"What of our prisoners?" Herobrine asked, as he slowly started to walk back to his throne. Dahrk wondered in front of him as Herobrine sat back down.

"One has already been broken, sire. The, other two, are pending." Dahrk answeree, and Herobrine connected his fingertips together.

"Which?" Herobrine asked.

"Vrijen has been broken. The girl, Elk, and the Pakratt are resiting our... interrogation..." Dahrk said. Herobrine grinned.

"Good. Then, what of the Farlander child?" Herobrine asked, and Dahrk grinned. The former commander looked over to Odiado, who was at attention off to the side.

"Still under our control, my liege." Dahrk said.

"Excellent. All we must deal with now is the Ender." Herobrine said. Dahrk wondered over to the viewing portal.

"But how, my liege? How will we keep him under control?" Dahrk asked, turning his head back to Herobrine.

"Easy. What is the one thing that the Ender cherishes most of all?" Herobrine asked, and Dahrk looked at his master curioisly.

"His home...?" Dahrk asked, and Herobrine glared disappointed.

"No, you svindhund! His family. Most impirtantly, his-"

"Little sister..." Dahrk interuppted, then gasped, realizing that he had interuppted his master. He looked cautiously at Herobrine, who hadn't moved.

"Collect, the little Ivory. We shall deal with the Ender swiftly." Herobrine said, and Dahrk nodded carefully, bowing and leaving his masters presence soon.

The desert was a hot place, where raging sands whirled in the rough winds, the cacti's thorns threatening to prickle anyone who dares touch it. In the sand was a shining yellow gamstone, much like the one Anders found in cased in the trees.

The sand partially covered the gem, and it continued to cover it as the wind pushed and shoved the sand around. A man with a walking cane walked peacefull through the desert, sandals covering his feet and a leather cloak covering his face and body frin the sand.

He stopped in front of the gemstone and looked at it. Bending over, the man picked up the genstone and brusged the extra sand that was one it's crytalized layers. The man put his hood down, revealing an almost bald head, except for two patches of grey hair, one on each side, and two closed brown eyes.

The man examened the gem further, and grumbled. He put it into the palm of his hand and and clutched the gem. An image appeared before him. Minecraftia; the Mindcrack Police Acadamy. The man opened his eyes wide. He hadn't been there since Dahrk took over.

The man put the gem into a roughly crafted leather pocket on the inside of his cloak and put his hood back on. Looking towards the sun set, the man ventured on, knowing now that he has a long journey ahead of him.

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