I got tagged..... Again

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It's another one, thank you YeahThatsPlatonic

1. You must repost all of the rules.
2. You must tag 15 people.
3. Answer 15 questions and create 15 questions.
4. You must complete within a week.
5. Tag backs are allowed.
6. 'I don't do tags is unacceptable.
7. Be creative and have fun.

Questions I have to answer:

1. Favourite movie?
Probably Love Rosie or Moulin Rouge.

2. Dream vacation?
Italy (I'd just like to travel the world!)

3. Favourite fictional character?
A difficult choice but probably Leo Valdez.

4. Dream job?
If I have to work, makeup/Sfx artist.

5. Makeup or no?
Makeup junkie.

6. Favourite superhero/super villain?
Bucky Barnes.
Or Deadpool.

7. Are you a friendly unicorn or a devil spawn?

8. Big group of friends or small group of friends?
Small group of friends. Like 3.

9. Natural eye colour?

10. Favourite mythical creature?
All the mythical creatures! But like seriously can they all be mine. Please.

11. Roman or Greek mythology?

12. Favourite song?
At the moment Papa Don't Preach.

13. Read or write fanfiction?
Read. Attempting to write.

14. Couch potato or health nut?
Health nut.

15. Favourite Anti-Joke Chicken Joke? (If you don't know what that it think of your favourite joke.)
Why did the chicken cross the road?
The road was in the way.

Questions I have created:

1. Favourite fanfiction?

2. Do you still have cuddly toys?

3. What do you think of feet?

4. Hot or cold?

5. What would Shawn do?

6. Favourite name?

7. Deepest, darkest secret?

8. Are you a stalker?

9. Can you create and existential crisis in one sentence?

10. Favourite YouTuber?

11. Would you like to join my cult? (We have cool robes and everything)

12. Jedi or Sith?

13. Is your fridge running?

14. Is this a paradox?

15. Why are you still doing this?

People I'm gonna make do this next (most of these are randos):

YeahThatsPlatonic (just cuz I wanna see what your answers are)
FakeFacade (cuz I love you)
bellarkeandchill (cuz your name is cool)
mystical_and_magical (you are my friend)

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