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       The next morning, you woke up slightly more gracefully than the last. You hastily shut the alarm off on your phone, the sound driving you insane as your ears had begun to ring. You ran a hand across your face, huffing and wiping the exhaustion away.

        You hadn't returned home until it was nearly 5AM, after arguing with Rick that you were safe to drive. He had tried, repeatedly, to convince you to stay and sleep on the couch. "I can't eugh lose my lab assistant be-because he was too high to read the damn stop sign." You had only rolled your eyes, grabbing your shirt as you passed, and stated that you had hours to 'come down', as Rick put it, so you were fine. You'd said goodnight and made it home, stumbling with exhaustion.

       You wished you'd showered last night, not wanting to today. Begrudgingly, you followed yesterday's routine, deciding on a light blue shirt and grey pants. The shirt reminded you of Rick, which was why you'd swapped the tan shorts you'd originally planned on wearing. That would be creepy, and you were trying your damnedest to keep him from kicking you out of the position. However, it was never actually specified whether or not you would actually be paid.

       I mean, yea, I get to hang out with a really hot guy most of the time. That's good enough for me, heh. You shook your head, chuckling darkly, "No, I can't think of him like that. He's my boss, or coworker, whatever. It doesn't matter how attractive he is, I can't feel like this about him."

        Dude, he totally jacked to you. You groaned, grabbing everything you needed and running your hand through your hair yet again. Today, you'd remembered to wear socks, the painful blister on the back of your heel giving you a funny walk. Your stomach rumbled, a heavy reminder that you forgot to eat yesterday. Nothing new, your eating patterns were as off as your sleeping patterns.

       It was nearing 8. You'd had roughly three hours of sleep, despite the rough tossing and turning. You figured you'd stop and grab a hash brown on your way over, thankful when you actually did after clambering into your truck once again.

       On your way over, you listened to the GPS, your system still waking up, when you remembered you hadn't brought your lab coat home last night. Would Rick go through my stuff?


       Apparently he would. When you'd arrived, the garage door was open and Rick was shamelessly rifling through your pockets. He looked up, surprised to see you. "Thought you'd sleep eugh all day, after, y'know, going crazy." You laughed, shaking your head, "I've run on less sleep. It's nothing new, but my predictability levels drop. You never know what I might do. Maybe help a civilization, maybe plan for my inevitable world domination, whatever." You walked over, grabbing your lab coat from his prying fingers and checking to see if you had everything. 

       "Aw, man, you took my sparkle?" You pouted, slinking into your lab coat. Rick held up two containers, both filled with glitter. "You are eugh not ever doing that again." He pointed to his hairline, shaking his head slightly, "Four showers, and it's eugh it's not gone. You are my least favorite person right eugh now." You giggled, "You deserved it. You were being a crank-ass."

       Rick grumbled a 'whatever' and you wandered closer to his desk, your eyes widening. "Is that a real Neutrino bomb?" Your voice was soft, a whisper. You'd dreamt of them, but never thought you'd actually see one. While Rick grinned, the dark little voice in your head was listing the things you could do with this.

       "Yep. Built eugh one before, but Mo-Morty eugh had to go and-and-and ruin it." He huffed, crossing his arms and furrowing his brow. "The kid hates me. eugh But that doesn't matter. He's gonna live a-a weird life." You heard a hint of regret in his voice, glancing curiously. 

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