Honesty (Part 1).

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       "This is boring. B-B-B-B-B-boring." You sang, sitting upside down on a couch. It wasn't yours, and it wasn't Rick's, you were just sitting there, your legs up the back, your head dangling off the seat, as you waited for Rick's supposed friend to show up. "Just eugh shut up and don't ruin this."

       Rick seemed to be a bit on edge here, something that you'd noticed since the two of you had taken off in his cruiser. You looked up, seeing his frown. It was hard to discern any facial expression as he was upside down to you, but you could kind of make them out. "What's got you so freaked, man?" You drummed your fingers on your stomach, making popping noises with your lips. "This is eugh a really bad place for me to be. These eugh people hate me. You're only here because eugh you might be useful if-if anything goes bad." Rick had been drinking quite a bit on the way over, anxious as fuck.

        He was the exact opposite of the relaxed Rick you'd seen at the beach three days ago. His brow was furrowed and he was tapping his hands on his knees anxiously. Before you could ask anything else, a door opened and somebody stepped in. From your position on the couch, you saw their confused look as they took in your appearance. A random kid in black shorts and a band shirt, sitting upside down and drumming their stomach, next to his intelligent yet spiteful companion. There's a great deal of difference, a contrast between the two.

       "Sanchez." His voice was dark and gravelly. You looked over to gauge Rick's reaction, watching as he sat back and pulled a relaxed look. You kicked your feet in the air, fiddling with your shirt. "Blumi." Rick replied coolly, glancing down at you as though pleading with you to be serious. You smiled and continued, having no intention to be serious whatsoever while you were here.

       Blumi, as you'd heard, took a seat across from you two, on the opposite couch. He crossed his legs and spread his arms across the back of the couch. "I see you have your little... boy toy with you today." The man smirked.

       Rick fidgeted, "He's not my fucking boy toy." Blumi chuckled, "Touchy, are we? What is it then? Lover? Boyfriend? Are you friends with benefits? Or do you each harbor feelings but refuse to take any title?" He had a cocky smirk, leaning back into the couch and waiting for Rick to reply.

       "Yea, sorry," you stated before Rick could open his mouth, "hottie boss and his little companion, nothing else." You winked at Blumi, laughing. Rick groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose before he hit your leg. "Rude." You folded your arms and kicked your feet in the air again. "He's mean. That's why it's just frienderinos." You laughed at Rick's appalled expression, watching as he urged you to shut up.

       "Well, that's nice to hear, young man. And who might you be?" He leaned forward curiously, his golden eyes burning into your memory. "I am the wonderous (Y/N), young genius, slight villain wannabe. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, sir." You extended your hand, watching as he awkwardly shook it, being that yours was upside down from his. You laughed and continued drumming on your stomach.

       "Alright, Blumi, we're eugh here to talk about important things. Stop wasting time." Rick was growing more frustrated. "Why, Sanchez, I would think you'd be more patient, given the circumstances. Besides, what does it matter if I should make an acquaintance with a dear friend of yours? He's awfully amusing, you know." Blumi gave you a playful smile and you giggled, "Why, thank you sir. Nice to see that some people appreciate it."

       Blumi smiled, "Well, (Y/N), what exactly is your relationship with Mr. Sanchez?" Blumi leaned forwards once again, staring at you. "Well, this little fudger here," you pointed at Rick, "is my boss. He's the only person that hired me. Everybody else wanted somebody with more experience, or somebody that didn't fantasize about world domination. Really, it could be either of those." You laughed, waving your hands in the air. Blumi seemed amused, "World domination?" He rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

       "Aw, yeah, you know. Scared a few professors, was asked if I needed to be admitted, that fun stuff. I guess knowledge is power, and power corrupts. The smarter you are, the more evil you can be. It's great knowing you could have unlimited power sometimes." You laughed when Rick gave you a strange look, almost like he was worried for you.

       Isn't that nice.

       "Well, (Y/N), if you ever decide to further those plans, don't hesitate to call me." Blumi chortled before sitting back and focusing on Rick. "So, what'd you bring me?" The air around you suddenly grew heavy as Rick shifted in his seat.

       He reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope. Blumi opened it and pulled out a disc, inspecting it thoughtfully. "Let's see if it's all there, shall we?" There was an evil glint in Blumi's eye as he pulled a laptop from a drawer beneath his couch. "That's a real space saver there, Blumi." You laughed, watching with curiosity as he opened a slot on the side, placing the disc in.

       Rick leaned down close to you, unnoticed by Blumi, "Cover your ears, but do it casually." His hot breath brushed over your neck making you shiver as you nonchalantly covered your ears. Rick placed something in his own. Blumi was typing a few things when a very loud sound suddenly coursed through the room. You winced, pressing your hands tighter to your ears. Rick leaned down and held his hands over yours, giving you an apologetic look for a moment. You watched Blumi write with pain before blood seeped from his ears and he fell back. The sound stopped after a few more seconds and Rick removed his hands.

        You pouted inwardly at the lack of contact as the cold air rushed over your flesh. You mentally screamed at yourself, reminding you that you shouldn't let this happen. It's bad for you. He's bad for you. Don't you remember?

       Rick got up and closed the laptop, casually removing the disc and placing it back into the envelope. You awkwardly rolled sideways and sat up on the couch, watching Rick remove the small objects from his ears and drop them in his pocket. "Alright, eugh let's go. We only have so long to get to the eugh cruiser." Rick wandered off, still holding the envelope as you followed him down winding halls.

       Before you could exit, you were stopped by a guard. "Yea," Rick started, "sorry, eugh he never showed. Give this to him when eugh you see him please." He handed the guard the envelope and walked out, dragging you behind him.

       As Rick took off in the cruiser, he turned to you, "What the eugh fuck was that?" You furrowed your brows, "What?"

       Rick shook his head, looking forward for a moment again, "Th-That eugh, everything you did back there. You weren't professional, eugh you acted like a kid, you ignored me trying to make you shut up. Which, eugh by the way, you got lucky, because he doesn't always like funny, distracting people. And eugh that shit you said, about me, wh- nevermind. What eugh the fuck was that, (Y/N)? Seriously?" Rick had started out sounding angry, but his tone changed. It was softer towards the end.

        "I dunno," you shrugged. "I didn't think it was a problem. Sorry, I guess." You rubbed your arm and looked out the window, sighing.

       "It's not-" Rick exhaled slowly, "(Y/N), I don't think you understand just how dangerous that could have been."

"Why do you care?" You kept staring out the window.

       137 isn't supposed to care. He's supposed to be the rogue, the badass. Why the hell would he care?

       "I-" He sighed, staring out the window. You laid your head further down on the window, staring. You were watching a planet when you noticed that it stopped moving, meaning Rick stopped the cruiser.

        "What the hell?" You looked up, staring at Rick. "Why do you eugh did you say it, li-like you knew I'm not supposed to? Like you've known your entire life that eugh I don't care?"

       He was staring at you. You looked away, but he reached over and placed a hand on your cheek, making you turn to face him. "Why did you say it like... like somebody told you I don't?"

       You bit the inside of your cheek before looking away, pulling Rick's hand away from your face with one of your own.

       "Because somebody did tell me you don't."

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