Come Back To Me.

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       Your ears were ringing as you felt air moving through your lungs. You could barely open your eyes, they were so heavy. Hazily, you looked around, colors and shapes running together. Everything was blurred. You tried to raise a hand to wipe your eyes, to try to clarify the vision, but it was impossible. Your body was too heavy.

       You felt air moving into your lungs, a mouth pressed over your own. Suddenly they pulled away and you were coughing. You turned your head to the side, faintly furrowing your brow as your lungs and throat were on fire. Somebody was saying something, but you had no idea what it was. The confusion was upsetting you as frustrated tears fell down the side of your face. The pain in your abdomen was searing, hot heat tearing through you.

        Something was being said to you, but you shut your eyes and tuned them out. You felt pressure on your middle as unbearable pain shot through you. You knew you screamed, even if you couldn't hear it. You felt it tear out of your throat, felt the vibrations in your chest as you threw out what you could only assume to be an agonized sound. The pressure didn't give, and you didn't stop screaming as more tears flowed down your face.

       You felt yourself slowly slipping into darkness as the pain became unbearable, but you remained on the brink. You were holding on, not wanting to slip into the terrifying darkness. You didn't know what you'd find.

       Your screams soon died down as you became too tired to produce a sound. You were teetering on the edge of a wall between life and death.

       On one side, there was a big open ocean. All you had to do was jump in and swim freely. On the other side, there was land. You didn't want to walk anymore. You wanted to feel the water around you, wanted to swim freely. But you knew you had to walk. You had to put your feet on that side and brace yourself against the wall, taking baby steps until you could run again. You had to make it down to the land. You had to step down from the wall.

       But your foot dipped into the cool, refreshing water when you moved to step off the wall. It seemed even more tempting this time. You were conflicted. You decided to just try it. Your leg was dipped further into the water, and you found it refreshing. You smiled softly, slowly submerging the other. Soon, you were halfway in the water, walking freely. You took a step from the wall, then another.

       But the waves were growing large, scary. You almost tripped and fell completely into the water as you hastily raced back to the wall, pulling yourself back up. You were dry again, stepping onto the land without hesitation. The waves scared you. They appeared as though they would surely break over the wall, but they didn't. They stayed over there as you stumbled away, clutching at the wall.

       You walked along, finding yourself moving better. Your legs were stronger, and you tried running. You stumbled a few times, but it came easier. With every step, you found new energy. You found yourself laughing as you ran from the wall, spreading your arms out as you sprinted. You felt absolutely revitalized. You felt invincible, like nothing could touch you.

       Your eyes shot open and you gasped rapidly, pulling air into your lungs. They weren't on fire anymore, and the pain in your middle had subsided. Your jaw was no longer sore, your body no longer aching from the effort you put up to fight Morty off.

       You looked around, finding yourself in a fairly dark room. Light tried to seep through the cracks in a curtain, but the material was relentless as you sat and tried to find where you were.

       Something pinched around your middle and you threw back the scratchy blanket, poking at the bandages around you. They were clean, though would probably need to be changed soon. That was the extent of the differences. Your body, from all that you could see as you found yourself sitting in your boxers, was fine. No bruises, no bloody knuckles.

       As you took everything in, trying to understand what was different, you heard something heavy fall to the ground.

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