What Will Become of Us?

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       After Rick paid for everything, he opened a portal up and you both stepped through, laughing at the gaping patrons left in the diner when you'd walked out. When you wound up in the living room, you found yourselves to be the center of attention, curious 'WTF' glances were thrown your way.

        "What've you guys been up to?" Jerry questioned. "Well first we went to Nunya, then we were in Damn, and we just got outta Business. It's been fun, really." Rick laughed next to you while Jerry scowled, "I thought we were friends."

       "Oh, we are, Jerry, but I still like to tease. We just went to dinner, nothing too big." You watched as Jerry went from pouting to smiling again. Apparently he hasn't had too many friends. Must suck to be Jerry.

        "Oh, that's nice. Did you have fun?" Beth smiled at you, sitting on the couch in between Summer and Morty. "Yea, it was nice." Rick hummed in agreement. Summer lifted her phone and motioned for you to smile, apparently taking another picture while Rick was slightly distracted. You crossed your eyes and stuck out your tongue long enough for Summer to take the picture and laugh before you regained your composure.

       You checked your phone when you felt it vibrate, finding another image from Summer. You gave her a thumbs up and laughed when Rick gave the two of you a suspicious glare. The time on your phone read 7PM when you put it away.

       "Sweetie, (Y/N)'s gonna stay the night again." Rick announced. Beth smiled warmly, "He could move in with us and it wouldn't seem too different, dad. We enjoy his company, he's always welcome." Your heart swelled as you smiled, "Thanks, Beth."

       Beth smiled wide at you before looking back at the tv, both teenagers having fallen asleep on her shoulders. Moments like those must make her feel so loved.

       "Come on, (Y/N), eugh let's go grab your stuff." Rick pulled you out of the living room, leading you to the front door. You both wandered outside, the snow falling in the same way it had been on the other planet. You sighed in contentment as you looked up at the night sky. Your lab coat was thin, so the wind bit at you slightly as you walked.

        "I love this kind of weather, right here. It's perfect." You giggled, shivering slightly. Rick chuckled and shoved his hands in his pockets, looking up as well. You looked over at him, smiling softly before you looked back in front of you, wrapping your arms around yourself.

       "Here," Rick pulled his lab coat off, throwing it over your own. "Won't you freeze?" You gaped, his blue sweater not appearing to be enough to ward off the cold.

       Rick shrugged, glancing over at you, "Smile and it's worth it."

       You stared for a moment before giggling and grinning widely, pushing your arms through the sleeves. Rick chuckled and looked back in front of him. You walked closer to him, shoving your hands into your own pockets as you walked through the lightly falling snow, making your way across the lot to your apartment. Once you were inside, you gave Rick his lab coat back. "This time I'll be ready for the cold," you stated. Rick smiled, taking back the material and slipping into it as you made your way up the stairs.

       Once you were in your apartment, you grabbed your 'Fuck You' pajamas, toothbrush, chargers, and all the other essentials you would need, throwing them into your knapsack and slinging it over your shoulder. You walked back into the front room and set the bag on the couch, grabbing the pajama sweatshirt out of the bag and changing your shirt before throwing the lab coat back on.

       Rick read your shirt and laughed, "That's gotta be my favorite." You thought back to how he'd seen it when you were sick and laughed with him.

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