A Nervous Cliche.

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       Sometime during the night, a storm must've snuck in. You had shot up, a particularly loud clap of thunder grabbing your attention and making you very alert. It must've grabbed Rick's attention, too, as he sat up after a moment as well. You glanced over to find him yawning, his eyes still closed. "You going anywhere?" His voice was lower, more tired, and definitely not too new to you. You'd heard his tired voice often enough, but it still sent chills down your spine.

       "No, just, um- the noise, is all." You pointed out the window though you knew he wouldn't be able to see it. "Good," he muttered. He reached over and grabbed you, pulling you back onto him as he wrapped his arms back around you. You rolled over, laying on your stomach as you laid mostly on him, throwing one leg over his. You pressed your arms beneath him and he lifted himself up slightly, allowing you to wrap your own arms around him. Once you'd settled down, laying your head on his chest in a position that was becoming routine for you both, he hummed lightly before falling back asleep.

       You laid there, listening to his heartbeat like you normally did, and listened to the storm outside. You could faintly hear Morty moving around, probably still up and playing video games. Well, that was what you hoped he was doing. You moved your head slightly, angling it up to see Rick's face.

       His features seemed more relaxed, the dark circles 'round his eyes having slightly moved away. He was definitely exhausted, you could tell with how soundly he slept. You noticed the faint worry-lines on his face, the laugh lines in the corners of his eyes and around his lips.

       You wondered if they would feel the same against your own, wondered if they would move the same way. You wondered if they would feel the same in general; soft and kind, yet needful. You looked at the shape of his nose, tracing its outline with your eyes. His blue hair was a bit messier than normal, caused by his moving slightly before, dragging his head on your pillow.

       When you inhaled, you found the familiar, welcomed scent, enjoying it. You basically looked forward to it when you visited. It had become one of your favorite things; the scent of liquor and some sort of older cologne, probably just a leftover scent from a time when he'd used it. The blue sweater was soft against your cheek as you continued studying his features, feeling his chest rise and slow beneath you. You noticed his brows furrow slightly as he slept, a sign that he must really be into his dream. You couldn't help but wonder what somebody like him would dream of. There was so much you knew about him, but there was so much you wanted to learn still.

       What's the first thing he thinks in the morning? What does he think about in those moments when he zones out, or when he's highly focused on his work? What does he think about when you show up and he gets that familiar grin, watching as you walk up the driveway and into his garage nearly every morning? What does he really think every time the Evil duo gets you, beats your ass? What does he think about every time he gets that upset glint in his eyes when you say goodbye, heading home late at night?

       What does he think about you? Does he really care, or was Morty right? You were pretty certain he cared, because somebody that didn't would never do something like pull you down and snuggle, glad you weren't leaving the bed.

       Does he have the same dreams you do, or think about you in the way you think about him? Does he find himself struggling to keep up with reality, trying to remember that he doesn't have you in the way he wants?

You definitely knew there was something about him that made the giddiest feeling rise up in your stomach, even though you couldn't find a name for the feeling. You knew there was something about him that made everything come together when you walked up the driveway and smiled back at him. There was just something about him...

       Yes, you knew you had those thoughts and dreams, but you didn't know what they meant. Sure, everybody has a fleeting 'what if' moment about somebody they're around every day, but not everybody wonders what it would be like to wake up next to that person every morning, you hold them tightly every night. Sure, you'd experienced something similar to this before, but you'd been so emotionally numb for quite some time that you weren't even sure you would remember the name for whatever it was that he did to you.

       With a contented sigh, you laid your cheek back against his chest in a more comfortable position and fell asleep to the beat of his heart and the rise and fall of his chest, feeling his arms slightly tighten around you as he grumbled in his sleep.

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