Paying A Visit.

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       It didn't surprise the family when they had walked in to find that you two simply could not keep your hands off of each other as you finished watching your movie. They had known, for a long time, that something was bound to happen. 

       And now, every morning when you'd wake up with Rick after the cuddle bug attacked, you got that morning kiss you'd frequently thought of. Rick was always careful with you, being tender and showing that he would never push you into something. It was nice to take things slow. That was something you hadn't done in the longest time. You had yet to actually do anything, to fool around with each other, but you didn't mind in the slightest. He was showing that he actually did care for you. 

       So now, as you were on your way to pay the Citadel another visit, you didn't feel obligated to test that by throwing glitter on him. Instead, he trusted you not to attack him with sparkles as he handed you the bottles earlier. As you sat and held his hand in the cruiser, you patted the pocket with all of your glitter in it. "All six of them are getting baptized in the name of the gay today. Hope they're ready." Rick smiled and rolled his eyes, "If I get stuck carrying you to the cruiser again, I might rethink letting you have glitter anymore."

       You stuck your tongue out at Rick and laughed, holding a bottle of glitter threateningly up at him. He flinched away from it and you laughed again, shoving it back in your pocket.  

       Rick had come to accept the fact that it would be a while before you could easily say 'I love you, too' to him. He'd explained that he would still say it to you, with or without a response. He didn't care, as long as he got to say it finally. You had smiled when he said that, and he replied with, "I enjoy your smile, but I love it when I'm the reason." That was one of your favorite moments as you thought back on it. 

       "Alright, let's go." Rick hopped out of the cruiser and waited for you to catch back up to him before you were walking side by side. You had yet to actually hold hands in public, something neither of you thought too much on. So, it was no surprise when Rick jumped and glanced over at you once your fingers snuck between his and you held his hand firmly. He laughed lightly and shook his head, bringing your hands up and twisting them comfortably so he could kiss the back of yours. Of course you did get a few ogling stares, but nobody said much about the subject. 

       When you walked in front of the Council, they all backed up slightly and eyed you warily. Rick chuckled as their attention was brought to your intertwined hands. 'Cynthia' shook his head, "Oh, God, he'll be coming back for a long time." Rick laughed, "You got that right."

        As Rick held a discussion with the Council about your placement among them, you looked around, curious as to whether or not they had gotten rid of all the glitter you used. To your amusement, there were small flecks lining the wall just in front of the Ricks. 

       When it came time to leave, Rick asked if there was anything you wanted to say. You replied with a simple 'no', but Rick took that as a 'wait before we are completely out'. As soon as you made it to the doors leading away from the Council chambers, Rick bent down to tie his shoe. You snuck a hand into your pocket and pulled out both a confetti bomb and a glitter bomb. As soon as they were active and thrown, you grabbed Rick and ran to the sound of frantic screaming, followed by a chorus of 'Oh, God, it's in my hair!'.

       As you walked down the path to the cruiser, looking around, you paused to ask, "What exactly is my position, now?"

       "According to them, they eugh aren't giving you the full position due to reckless behavior." Rick laughed, "However, you are exempt from a variety of punishment for crimes committed. By extension, I am too. Safe to say we can get away with a lot now." Rick grinned.

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