Glitter and A Nap.

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        Around 8AM, four hours after Rick decided to give in and tell you all the theories you'd never known existed or had been true, Rick ran out of things to tell you. You'd officially heard all the theories, formulas, and equations that would get you through life. Even though you'd been running on 3 hours of sleep for the past day now, you felt refreshed, filled with new knowledge.

       Rick cleared his throat, grabbing his flask which had been emptied around and hour and a half ago, and stood, stretching his arms above his head and groaning. "Well, eugh kid, you heard it all." You stood from your spot on the floor, wincing slightly at the pain in your knees and rear from sitting cross legged on cold cement for four damn hours. But it was worth it.

       Chuckling at your predicament, Rick wandered around the garage, shuffling things around until he found a liquid and poured it into his flask. As he did this, you heard voices. A blonde woman in a red top popped in through the door, opening her mouth to say something when her gaze settled on you. She shut her mouth momentarily before stepping fully into the garage, neglecting to shut the door behind her.

       "Who are you?" You stared back, confused as well. "Um, (Y/N)." You answered bluntly, not sure if she wanted to hear anymore. "He eugh he's my new la-lab partner, sweetheart." Sweetheart? WTH bruh?

       The blonde woman sighed, "Really, dad?" She pinched the bridge of her nose, "Please tell me he hasn't been living with us and this is the first I've heard of it."

       You chuckled, "Yea, totally. Even have my own lab, directly underneath this one." You smiled, "No, ma'am, I've got my own place." You moved closer, extending your arm as she looked up. Hesitantly, she gripped your hand and shook it. "Trust me, I'm a big kid. I can take care of myself. But when this dude," you pointed at Rick, "offered me a job, that was pretty cool. I just work for him."

       The woman smiled and you released her hand, setting both of your thumbs casually in your pockets. "Well, it's nice to meet you, (Y/N). How long have you been working for my dad?"

       "Couple days. It's been pretty fun. Didn't know scientists got that weird." You giggled, smiling. The woman couldn't help but smile back, laughing as well, "You're a pretty funny young man. I'm Beth."

       "Pleasure to meet you, Beth." You adjusted your lab coat, the collar riding up a little on your neck and irritating it. "Would you like to join us for breakfast? I was just coming to get dad, but, since we have company, I don't mind setting an extra spot."

       You waved your hand in front of you, "No, thanks. I mean, I'll sit with you, if you don't mind my company, but I'm not big on breakfast." You glanced over, finding that Rick had been staring at you intently. You furrowed your brow at him, mouthing 'what?', and smiled at Beth.

       "That'll be fine. Come on, I'll show you around."

       Following Beth, you were led to a nice kitchen area, a table set for breakfast. The red-haired girl from the first day was there, along with Morty and another man. Beth grabbed an extra chair and sat you next to Rick. "Guys," she folded her hands in front of her, standing behind you as you sat, "this is (Y/N). Apparently, he's been working for Rick for a short time."

       You waved, smiling. The girl sat across from you, putting her phone screen down next to her plate. "I remember you. Yea, you were the dude that just straight up said 'hey, I'm gay' when I answered the door."

       "Sorry, chica," you snickered, "had to let you down easy." You watched as she huffed and folded her arms across her chest. Rick laughed from beside you while Beth stared between you and the girl. "Summer," she said, "be nice. He's just being honest."

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