Where's My Love?

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       Clutching your chest, you sat up and gasped loudly. "What the fuck?"

       Your dream had been awfully strange. You had dreamt that Rick was desperately crying out for you, begging you to come to his aid. He was beaten, bruised, and abused.

        Wiping away the tears that fell, you straightened yourself and threw your legs over the edge of the bed. As you sat up, a feeling of dread hung in your heart. It's officially been two years. Rick never did come back like you'd hoped. He never made his way back to you.

Cold bones. Yeah, that's my love
She hides away, like a ghost

        Rick was gone. As soon as the realization that it was, in fact, two years kicked in, you were surprised to find you were well composed. For a moment, at least.

Does she know that we bleed the same?
Don't wanna cry but I break that way

       You couldn't help it as you began to quietly cry, silent tears falling from your eyes and making their way to the cold floor. You didn't want to cry, you'd promised yourself you wouldn't, but here you were anyway.

Cold sheets. Oh, where's my love?
I am searching high, I'm searching low in the night

       No matter what you tried, there was nothing that could replace Rick, whether it was a person or a drink, nothing could fill that empty feeling.

Does she know that we bleed the same?
Don't wanna cry but I break that way

       A soft sob pulled from your cracked lips as you rubbed your arm, wishing so badly for the pain to go away already.

Did she run away?
Did she run away? I don't know
If she ran away
If she ran away, come back home
Just come home

       If Rick was ever going to return, you sure as hell would be the last to know. He never tried to contact you, never, as far as you could guess, made an attempt to escape, for fear that they might kill you, as Morty had promised the last day you ever saw him.

I got a fear, oh, in my blood
She was carried up into the clouds, high above

       Every day, you wondered if he was still there, alive and well. Every day, you wondered if maybe Morty had simply disposed of him.

If you bled, I'll bleed the same
If you're scared, I'm on my way

       As you sat and thought, you had a moment of revelation, a small thought popped into your head. 

Did you run away?
Did you run away? I don't need to know
If you ran away
If you ran away, come back home
Just come home

       You stood slowly, feeling empowered once more. You drew in a sharp, shaky breath and wiped your eyes. You were suddenly filled with determination as you stared at the reflection of you in the mirror hung on your wall.

       You couldn't understand why you'd never thought of it before, why, in all your time of grieving, you never realized the possibilities.

        If Rick wasn't going to try, for fear of you being killed, you were going to save him.

       With a confident grin, you stood proud in your 'Fuck You' pajamas. 

       "I'm coming to save you. Ricki Ticki Tavi, bitch."

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