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You home?



Good. I'm outside. Let me in

I rolled my eyes, smiling to myself. I got up and walked downstairs and to the front door. I opened it and immediately collapsed into his open arms.

"Fuck I missed you more than I thought" He said as he hugged me.

"I missed you too" I mumbled into his chest. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes before stepping into the house. "My parents are at work so no need to worry about my dad"

"When do they get back?"

"Like 5:30, 6ish. It depends on the traffic" It was currently 4 so I knew we had at least an hour without them. "What do you want to do?" I asked.

"Cuddle" He said as he laid on the sofa and held his arms out for me. I laid beside him and his arms wrapped around my waist. "Put something on TV" I nodded and reached for the remote. I turned on Netflix and found a random episode of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

"We're watching this. I love this show"

"Whatever makes you happy" He said before pressing a kiss to my temple.


"Four eggs"

"Four? That's loads. Are you sure?"

"I can read, Luke" I said. After watching a couple of episodes of the Fresh Prince, I was craving chocolate chip cookies so Luke said we should make some.

"Don't get sassy with me, King"

"Oh, hush" I said as I mixed the ingredients together. "Put the last two eggs in" He did as I said.

"I didn't get any shell in. A couple may be a little crunchy from the other eggs though" I rolled my eyes and chuckled. I mixed everything together before grabbing the chocolate chips and pouring them into the bowl. "Bloody hell, I think that's enough"

"You can never have enough chocolate chips" I said pouring more in. I mixed it together before starting to split it into cookies on the baking tray. I put them in the oven and watched as Luke put two bars of chocolate in a bowl and then in the microwave to melt it. "The technical method is in a bowl over hot water in a saucepan on the stove"

"Well, this is the Hemmings method. How long do the cookies take?"

"10 to 15 minutes" The microwave beeped a minute later and Luke took out the hot bowl of now melted chocolate. "Don't burn yourself" I said as he picked up the bowl with bare hands.

"Shit. Fuck. Hot. Damn. Shit" He said before dropping the bowl onto the counter, somewhat carefully.

"You OK?" I asked. He nodded as he ran his hands under cold water. We sat down at the island in the kitchen.

"This bowl of chocolate will go solid if it gets too cool" He said.

"Keep stirring it" I passed him the spoon we were going to use to drip the chocolate over the cookies. He continuously stirred it as we waited. I checked my phone quickly, aimlessly scrolling through Instagram.

"Mads" I looked up and immediately felt something warm on my nose. Luke was smirking and holding the spoon in his hand.

"Fuck you, Hemmi-"

"Oh, hi, Luke" We turned to see my parents stood in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Hi" We both said. I grabbed a napkin from the side and wiped the chocolate off my nose.

"You two are so cute" My mum cooed. The timer went off indicating the cookies were done. Luke offered to get them.

"Don't burn yourself again"

"Luke, honey, be careful. Use a towel to hold the tray" My mum said. My dad was just stood observing everything with a straight face.

"I'm good" He said, putting the tray on the counter.


"Take these" I said, passing him a box with cookies in them.

"I shouldn't. My trainer will kill me"

"Tell him your girlfriend made them for you and you love her very much" I told him as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He chuckled and wrapped one of his arms around my waist, the other hand holding the small box still. "I'll see you on the weekend?"

"I wish it was sooner"

"Me too"

"This is why you should move in with me"

"I'm not ready for that"

"I know. Just let me know when you are. The door's open"

"Why are you so keen for me to live with you?"

"Because when I go back on tour I won't see you for ages and I want to make the most of the time we have together now"

"But you're not going to be leaving until next year at least"

"I know but I guess I just don't want to lose you because we never see each other. I know my life's complicated"

"I'll think about it" His face lit up.

"I like you, Maddie. A lot"

"I like you a lot too" He quickly pecked my lips before releasing me from his grasp. I removed my arms from around his neck. "I have to go to my cousin's birthday party next weekend. She's turning six. I wondered if you'd want to come with me?"

"I'd love too. The more time I get to spend with you the better" I smiled. "I should get going"

"See you Saturday"

"See you Saturday" He kissed my forehead before walking to his car. I watched as he drove away before shutting and locking the door and walking into the living room where my parents were.

"You two are so adorable" My mum said. "You have to admit they're good together" She said to my dad.

"I still don't approve"

"Luke's a good guy" I told him.

"I can tell he is. I just worry when he leaves for months at a time that you'll be sat around moping whilst he has the time of his life miles and miles away from you. I don't want your heart to get broken again"

"I'll be OK. I'm more careful now" He nodded and stood up to hug me. I smiled.

"I overheard him mention you moving in with him. That's definitely not happening. I will continue to be the overprotective father there"

"I was just on about moving out and he said to move in with him to see him more because he's worried about us not seeing each other enough now and then going long periods of not seeing each other at all when he's away"

"See, he realises that's an issue" Mum pointed out to my dad.

"If it makes you feel any better, his last girlfriend cheated on him whilst he stayed completely loyal whilst finishing a world tour and through a whole other tour for practically the whole year and they were together a year and a half"

"He's not a bad guy, Mads. I can see that from how he is with you. He's genuine with us even though he's probably scared of me. I'm just looking out for you"

"Thank you but I'm an adult. I've got this whole life thing sorted for now" He chuckled.

"Keep telling yourself that kiddo. I still haven't got my life sorted out"

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