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"Maddie, are you coming with us tonight?" Celeste asked me as we sat in the living room after not long arriving at Luke's parents house.

"I don't want to intrude"

"What? Don't be ridiculous. You're family now!" Celeste exclaimed. "Besides Luke's going out with Jack so you'd just be here alone"

"Where are you guys going?" I asked her.

"Just for dinner and then after 11 it becomes a bar so we'll just go at 9 to eat then stay for drinks. It's gonna be a super chilled evening"

"Sounds perfect" I said and she just smiled at me.

"We on the other hand are gonna have a much more fun evening" Jack said smirking.

"Our evening is gonna be fun" Celeste said, playfully smacking him.


"Have a good time tonight, OK?" Luke said as I finished putting my hoops in.

"You too. Don't get too drunk because there's actually stuff to do tomorrow" I told him, half joking.

"I won't. Don't be afraid to be yourself"

"What do you mean?"

"I know you're nervous about being alone with my family and you're gonna be all tense and you won't want to drink in case you say something wrong but trust me they love you and I want you to enjoy yourself so just relax and have a good time" I just nodded.

"I will never understand how you do that"

"Do what?"

"Know exactly how I feel and exactly what to say to make me feel better" He just shrugged before slipping on his boots. We walked downstairs and into the living room where the two groups were waiting on Celeste and Jack. "Luke, I don't know anyone here and they're all kind of judging me" I whispered to him. He glanced over at the group of girls, noticing how they were all watching us and looking me up and down.

"Don't worry about anything. Celeste won't care if you stick with her all night"

"I hate being clingy"

"Hey, if it gets too much just call me. The place we're going is like two doors down. This town really isn't that big" He said. I nodded as we finally approached the groups.

"Hi, Luke" One girl said. She had blonde long straight hair and her dress was so short and tight you could pretty much see everything.

"Hi, Ellie, I didn't know Celeste invited you"

"Of course she did! I'm one of her best friends" He just nodded. "Who's this?"

"My girlfriend, Maddie"

"Hi, nice to meet you" I said and she just glanced at me before turning back to Luke.

"Have you been working out? Your arms look so big and your hair! It's so long!" She said.

"Yeah, I've been trying to keep myself looking good"

"Trust me, you're doing a great job" She said, giggling.

"I'm just gonna introduce Maddie to some other people" Luke said, excusing us and pulling us towards the group of guys.

"Have a nice interaction with Ellie, Lucas?" Ben asked.

"Why does she never stop?" Luke asked.

"She's tried it on with all of us, it's your turn to take it, mate" One of the guys said.

"I've been putting up with her for the past year, it's someone else's turn I think" He said. "Besides, I've got this one anyway. I don't need Ellie or anyone else" He said, leaning down to kiss the top of my head.

"You're whipped, man" Luke just rolled his eyes but didn't say anything in his defence. Honestly, he truly was 'whipped', as much as I hate the term, but he didn't care. All he cared about was me and if that made him whipped, he didn't give a shit.

"Anyway, this is Maddie" He introduced me to the group.

"Hi" I spoke for the first time.

"You're gonna have a blast with that lot tonight" One of them said, glancing behind me at the group of screaming girls. I sighed in response to his sarcasm. I saw Luke glare at him out the corner of my eye. "I'm Ryan by the way"

"I'll be fine I hope"

"Just come join us if they get too much" Another guy told me. "I'm Matt" I nodded.

"I'm really not a party person"

"You say that but I see you dancing and drinking"

"Yeah but I'm not your level of partying"

"You know I don't give a shit whether you like partying or not. Whatever makes you happy"

"Fuck, you guys are gonna be getting married next" Ryan said.

"See you at the wedding" Luke said to which I playfully smacked his arm. "What? You trying to say you don't want to marry me?"

"Give it a few years, yeah?" I said as we both laughed. "I wish I was coming with you guys tonight, this is so much more chilled"

"You'll have a good time when you're there, I promise. You get on so well with Celeste. Just ignore the others if you have to" I nodded as Celeste and Jack came downstairs and joined the groups.

"Time for me to go. I'll see you later" I said to Luke as he hugged me quickly and pecked my lips.

"Have a good time"

"You too" I said before joining the group of girls who were leaving the house.

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