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"So how did you two meet again?" Liz asked. We'd gone out for the day with Luke's family and were currently having lunch.

"We met at Coachella. I was performing, Maddie was kind of a fan" Luke told them. "She only knew our songs, not what we looked like. She had no idea who I was"

"Then he lied to me for a while"

"Withheld the truth" Luke corrected me. I rolled my eyes jokingly.

"Then we saw Beyoncé together and made up"

"I still owe you Beyoncé tickets"

"She's not touring anytime soon"

"Oh shit"

"Why do you owe her tickets?"

"Because I kept distracting her and told her I'd buy her tickets because she loves Beyoncé so she can see a whole show" Luke told his dad.

"What about you guys? How long have you been together?" I asked Celeste and Jack.

"A long time. Around eight years. We're kind of losing count" Jack said. "Luke was around 14 when we first started hanging out. Maybe even younger" I raised my eyebrows in surprise. The conversation came back to Luke and I, despite me trying to keep the attention off of myself and learn more about Luke's family.


"So, are you used to everything that comes with dating Luke yet?" Celeste asked. We'd split up to go shopping. His parents went off together whilst he went with his brothers and Celeste and I together.

"Not really. I haven't really experienced much hate and we haven't been spotted out together loads. We've been pretty open about our relationship on social media to be honest. It's not hard to figure it out from what we post. I don't see the point in hiding it. I think it makes people more accepting of everything because you're not trying to cover it up or hide anything"

"I think you're right. The fans really hated Luke's last girlfriend and I think that's one of the reasons why. They were very behind closed doors constantly which I get because he's in the public eye and that's his private life but I think just making it clear that something is happening is a good way to go, especially if it's serious. You guys do seem good together"

"Thanks. I can't really believe I'm with a celebrity. I forget that so many people know him and adore him because when we're alone or even if we're with his friends it just feels like we're all normal"

"That's what Luke loves about you. He was telling Jack, Ben and I the other night about how he likes just being able to be himself around you with no worries"

"That's why he lied about who he was when we first met" I told her.

"What about your parents? What do they think?"

"They've accepted us being together now but my dad was cautious of Luke at first. He was worried about him being away for long periods of time" She just nodded as we kept shopping.

"Are you coming to our wedding?" She asked.

"Yeah, Luke asked me to come with him. As long as that's alright with you"

"Of course it is. When we first did the invites he was going to bring his ex. They broke up like a week later. None of us liked her and he was always so unhappy with her. She bossed him around so much"

"She came over the other day and it didn't go great"

"For Petunia?"

"Yeah" She just rolled her eyes.


"How was your day?" Luke asked as I walked into the living room of his apartment and sat beside him on the sofa. He put his laptop to the side to give me his full attention.

"Good. Celeste is really nice and I got her huge discounts in PacSun so she was happy"

"At least now you won't feel so uncomfortable at the wedding" I nodded.

"I'm tired" I said, snuggling into his side as he put his laptop back on his lap. "What are you doing?"

"Listening to the demos we got sent today"

"Can I hear?"

"As long as you don't leak them" He joked. He pressed play on one of the tracks and we started to listen to it. He kept looking over at me, watching my face for any sign of approval or disapproval.

"Who wrote this?" I asked. It was a love song and I was curious to know which one of the boys had written it and if it was their concept or not.

"John and I"

"Just you two?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I was just wondering because it's a love song and I wanted gossip on your friends"

"I wrote it a couple of weeks ago"

"And you've recorded it already?" He nodded.

"You've missed my point. I wrote it a couple of weeks ago and it's about a girl who the guy develops strong feelings for in a short space of time" I raised my eyebrows expecting him to continue. "The song's about you, Maddie" I couldn't help but smile up at him as I took in what he'd said.

"You wrote a song about me?" He nodded. "That's so cute. Thank you"

"You're welcome. We always write about what's happening in our lives and our experiences and you're my life right now so it seemed fitting. I've been working on the song for a while but didn't really have any direction until I met you and we started hanging out so I should be the one thanking you"

"I never thought I'd have a song written about me but to be fair I never thought I'd end up dating a celebrity"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

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