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"Have you packed?"

"I hate you for this"


"Because you keep spending money on me"

"When was the last time you went on holiday?"


"A proper holiday. I mean more than a weekend break"

"Um, a couple of years ago. My family couldn't really afford to"

"Where'd you go?"

"Huntington Beach"

"See, you need this and I know you want this"

"I do, I really do. I'm excited. I promise you I am. I have no idea where we're going and all these surprises are really cool and I'm super grateful for everything you've done for my birthday but I just feel bad. I'm not a gold digger"

"Of course you're not. I'm choosing to spend all this on you. Besides this is for me too. I get to spend quality time with you whilst we relax before I leave for a while" I nodded.

"Just please don't make a habit of buying me stuff"

"I'll tone it down, don't you worry"

"Seriously though. I love flowers. Just getting me flowers will make me cry with joy"

"I'll bare that in mind"

"Thank you" I said. "Seriously though, where are we going?"

"I'm not telling you"

"You can't hide it from me forever. I'll find out at the airport"

"Let's at least keep the surprise until then then" I sighed but nodded and put the last few things in my rucksack before zipping my suitcase shut. "You ready?"

"Let's go" I said and he took my hand in his.


"Mr Hemmings, your flight is about to board your seats" One of the staff in the lounge told us as he approached us. We stood up and followed the man out and to the gate. The woman at the desk scanned our passports before we were lead onto the plane. I still didn't know where we were going. Luke hadn't let me see the boarding passes, had told all the staff we spoke too not to say where we were going and sheltered me from any signs, especially around the departure gate.

"You want the window or the isle?" Luke asked as he stopped in the walkway. I looked up at him, eyes wide.

"These are our seats?"

"Yeah, that OK?"

"Yeah, I'm just shocked. I didn't expect first class"

"Business actually" He said. "Sit down" He told me, gesturing to the window seat. I smiled and scooted into the seat, pushing my rucksack under the seat in front of me.

"Seriously, stop spending money on me"

"Do you know how many air miles I have? These flights cost me nothing and I mean that. No exaggeration"

"Thank you still"

"You're welcome" The seats we were in faced each other so Luke was facing the back of the plane so to speak.

"Excuse me, would you like champagne?" One of the air hostesses asked. Luke nodded. "You're both 21, correct?"

"You can check our passports if you wish" Luke said. The woman just shook her head, believing us. She gave us two glasses before walking away.

"Cheers, my lady" I laughed but tapped my glass against his.

"To a wonderful holiday" I said and he just smiled as we reclined our chairs and got comfortable.


"Thank you for flying American Airlines. We hope you enjoyed the flight. The time in Miami is 2:38pm, we hope you enjoy your stay here in Florida and that you fly with us again soon. Thank you for choosing American" The pilot's voice spoke over the speaker system.

"We're in Miami?" I exclaimed to Luke. He nodded, smiling. He'd kept talking every time the pilot spoke so I couldn't find out where we were going. It was extremely annoying. I got a few weird looks from those around us, probably wondering why I didn't know where we'd landed. "Do you know how much I've always wanted to come to Miami?" I'd never been as much as I'd always wanted to. It always looked so cool and the vibe looked amazing.

"You've mentioned it a few times" He said. "So you're happy?"

"Extremely. Thank you" I said as I hugged him and quickly kissed him. The plane soon arrived at the gate and we got off quickly. We made our way through customs and security before collecting our bags and heading out into the arrivals area. A few fans were gathered in the airport. Only around 10 though. "Go talk to them" I told Luke.

"You sure?" I nodded. He walked over to them whilst I stayed to the side, watching our suit cases.

*** Luke's POV ***

"Hey, guys" I greeted the roughly 10 girls stood in the airport.

"Oh my god" One of them said. I chuckled and offered to take photos with them. I took photos with everyone. By the time I was done only four of the girls remained.

"Is that your girlfriend?" One asked, glancing over my shoulder at Maddie who was talking to someone on the phone and smiling wide as she did.

"Yeah, that's her" I said smiling as I watched her briefly.

"She's really pretty" Another girl said.


"How'd you guys meet?"

"At Coachella. She didn't even know who I was. Just liked our songs"

"Why are you guys here?"

"For her birthday"

"You should be with her not us"

"She told me to come see you guys. I would've anyway but she insisted"

"Go be with her and tell her we love her"

"Why don't you guys come meet her? She won't mind" I told them. She was off the phone now and just looking around the airport. I walked over to her, the girls following. "Hey, they wanted to meet you" She just nodded.

"Hi, how are you all?" She said politely.

"You're so pretty"

"You're really lucky to be dating Luke" Another girl said.

"I'm a lucky guy" I said, looking down at her.

"You're so cheesy" Maddie said, laughing and hitting my arm lightly.

"You're such a cute couple"

"Happy birthday by the way"

"Thank you" She said, smiling and I could tell she was internally awh-ing at how nice the fans were to her. Maddie took a few photos with each of them before we parted ways and left the airport, getting the car I'd hired to take us to the house I'd rented for the week.

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