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*3 months later*

"How have you not finished this place yet?" Becky asked as she followed me around the new house, holding boxes of stuff I was putting in its new place.

"Because it takes time to design rooms then buy the stuff and then get it delivered then actually put it in the house"

"It's been three months"

"Luke's not bothered. It's not like we're homeless"

"True" She said, placing the boxes on the bed in our bedroom. "So is this the last of the decor?"

"Yep, then I just need to put our clothes into the wardrobe and unpack all the kitchen stuff next week then we're good to move in"

"What's happening to Luke's house?"

"He's selling it"

"It must be pretty empty at the moment"

"Yeah, there's just the bed and anything we need for the next few nights. Everything else is here now"

"I can't believe he did this all for you"

"For the both of us"

"I know but still. It's pretty amazing of him"

"I'm a lucky girl"

"Damn right"

"Speaking of being lucky, how's Calum?"

"And how does that make me lucky?"

"Well, Calum's a pretty great guy and you're with him so" I raised my eyebrows suggestively.

"You're funny, Mads"

"Seriously, what's going on with you guys? It's been a year since Coachella and that was the last time you guys were close and making out and all that and now you guys have been hanging out again so what's happening?"

"Nothing's happening"

"Tell that to TMZ, Twitter and the Daily Mail"

"We've been hanging out I guess. We've been on a couple of dates and he's stayed at mine and I've stayed at his. I don't really know what we are but we're something I guess"

"I ship it so much" I squealed.

"You're such a teenage girl" I rolled my eyes. "It's so weird because you and Luke have your first proper house together and I'm not even sure what my relationship is. You guys will be having kids next"

"Speaking of kids"

"Holy shit, are you pregnant?"

"Possibly. I don't know. I've been feeling really sick lately and my period is a few days late which I know isn't that strange but I'm normally so regular and you know how I overthink everything"

"Oh my god, have you told Luke?"

"Yeah, he said to do a test but I'm gonna give it a few more days and see if I get my period"

"But if you just take a test you'll know"

"I'm not ready to have a baby, Becky! If I take a test and it's positive I'm gonna freak out. I just need a few more days to come to terms with all this"

"You'd be a great mother. You're the most maternal person I know after myself"

"You know all I want is kids but I just don't think now is the time. Luke and I are only 22. I'm just not ready yet. We're still young and Luke's at the prime of his career"

"Everything happens for a reason, remember that"

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