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"Luke, get your ass up. I'm starving"

"I'm up, I'm up" He said as he sleepily got out of bed. He rubbed his eyes as he walked towards the bathroom. His hair was sticking out and was tangled but he looked adorable. I'd missed his sleepy state.

"Can we get pancakes?" I asked, leaning on the door frame of the bathroom as he stood at the sink. He chuckled.

"You really want pancakes?"

"Yes and a chocolate milkshake" He chuckled again.

"Only if you wear my shirt. You look hot as fuck"

"Fine with me but not this one" I said, turning around and walking away from the door, pulling the shirt off and throwing it towards him.

"Don't fucking tease me, Madison" He groaned and I just laughed as I looked through our suitcases.


"This place is so cute"

"The boys and I came to it the other day. I thought of you"

"Awh, you're so cute" He rolled his eyes.

"I've really missed you"

"I've missed you too"

"I hate being away from you. I want you to come on our next tour"


"Maddie, I mean it. I want you there. I want you to travel the world with me. I want you watching my shows every night. I want you with me"

"I'd love to" His face lit up. "But you'll be so busy. What am I meant to do all the time?"

"You'll get to explore and travel"

"I'll think about it" He just nodded.

"What time's your show tonight?"

"We go on at 8. You gonna watch?"

"Of course. I've never seen you live properly"

"Yeah, I don't think Coachella counts"

"That's your own fault" He just rolled his eyes as the waitress placed our drinks in front of us.

"Um, by the way, we're going home next week"

"So? What's the big deal? You haven't been home in two months"

"Not home as in LA. Home as in my home. Sydney"

"What the fuck? You're going to Sydney next week?"

"We're going to Sydney next week"

"Wait, you didn't mean the band when you said we?"

"No, I meant us. You've never been and I'd love to take you. Plus all my mum does when I speak to her is ask about you. And Celeste loves you. They can't wait to see you again" He said. "Anyway I've already bought the tickets and one literally has your name on it so you're coming"

"Thank you. I really appreciate it. I love your family so much. Just give me a bit more notice next time" He nodded as our breakfasts were brought to the table.

"God, you've got enough food there for two" He said. His eyes widened. "You're not eating for two, right?" I almost spat out the first bite of my pancakes.

"What?! No! Oh my god no!" You said, starting to laugh as his cheeks reddened.

"I didn't know! I've been away two months. You could have easily hidden it from me"

"Lucas, I have to admit we had fun before you left but nothing is coming from that"

"Thank god. Fucking hell, I gave myself a heart attack" I chuckled at him as he started to eat his food. "You've still got a lot of food though"

"Let me be fat in peace, to quote Cardi B" He rolled his eyes and laughed as I stuffed some hash browns into my mouth.

"You know, I would've been shocked but I wouldn't have been mad or upset or anything" He said quietly as he continued to eat.

"What do you mean?" I stopped eating, wanting him to clarify as I gave him my full attention.

"I mean if you were pregnant, I wouldn't be upset about it. At all"

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, I mean it would be difficult to manage with me on tour and barely ever sticking around long but I love you and one day we'll have kids together, or I hope we do anyway. And if it happened to happen a little earlier on than we wanted, it wouldn't have been a disaster" He spoke. I smiled and grabbed his hand across the table.

"I love you too and you know how much I want to have children and even more so how much I want to have them with you so I completely and utterly agree. Things happen for a reason and no matter what we're together through whatever"

"That could be a line for a song" He said as he let go of my hand to continue eating.

"If it happens to be used I want at least 50% of the takings it makes" He just shook his head and laughed before we continued to eat.

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