Chapter 1

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I never thought my life was going to drastically change in a few months. What seemed like hell back in my house with my parents can't compare to the sight in front of me.

I asked myself why was I standing in front of Lord Zalgo in his throne room, but immediately remembered I was here to either pay the price for my mistakes and keep the others safe or let him pay for all the damage he's done.

I've made so many mistakes that I wouldn't care if I die. Just as long as I bring him down with me.

He smirked at me. He was confident he was going to end me but I had my secret weapon hidden. I just had to wait for the right time.

"Y/N come closer, I wish for us to talk about a few things before I end your petty life"

I started to get closer to him but I kept my guard up.

We both knew one of us wasn't going to leave this room alive and hopefully it'll be him.

However, my story doesn't start here. It all started a few months ago, back to where I was helpless.


I sat down in front of my bedroom window staring at the water droplets that fell onto my window. Rainy days somehow reminded me of my mother who's now resting in peace. I was told by my father, my mother died in a plane accident on a rainy yet stormy day.

I couldn't remember much about my mother seeing as I was only 5. I just remember I didn't understand death. Why would it take good people? Why does it want others to suffer? My mother's death is the reason why I'm now mute.

My father was devastated after hearing the news. He told me she went to a peaceful place, a place where there are eternal happiness and no pain. I asked why couldn't she brings us along and he only gave me a fake smile and answered, "It's not our time yet". He tried to make me happy to try to get me to forget about my mother but I just simply couldn't.

I became antisocial and mute at a young age. My father would take me to parks, parties, anywhere with children at my age to try to get me to forget and hopefully get me to talk again but failed.

A few years later, when I was 10, my father remarried a woman named Angelica. It was also her 2nd marriage which explained why she had a son who's older than me by 5 years.

My stepbrother, Alex, was practically the "hot" guy from school. He had dirty blond hair, blue eyes with pale skin. Alex wasn't disrespectful towards me. We both treated each other like real siblings. He was always there to read me his favorite books and talk to me about school drama. I've always been homeschooled after my mother's death so his high school drama was quite entertaining for me.

Angelica was a different story whatsoever. At first, she was so kind but after a few days she got married to my father, she became rude towards me. She would sometimes pretend like I wasn't there whenever my father wasn't around but when he was, she would acknowledge me.

By the time I was 13, Alex moved to college which meant I was stuck with Angelica. I tried my best to not leave my room seeing as she was there.

For some reason, after Alex left, she has been drinking alcohol with my father during the weekends. Alex would often visit from time to time but wasn't even aware of our parents drinking seeing as he would always warn us when he was going to visit which was maybe twice a year.

A few years past and my parents became worse. Angelica would now insult me on how I was their 3rd wheel and I couldn't give them privacy even though I stayed in my room for days without food or water. My father would constantly remind me of my mother. He would always yell at me because I kept a big portrait of my mother wearing a mask in my room. (look above)

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