Chapter 16

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Liu woke up with a gorgeous sight in front of him. Sally was hugging Y/N while she was hugging Sally back.

Liu just admit it, you like Y/N. Sully mentally told him.

But was it true? He might just love her as a friend

Liu, you're a fucking pussy for not having the balls to admit you like Y/N

"Shut up Sully" He whispered

Y/N groaned in her sleep. Her eyelids slowly lifted, only to reveal E/C orbs. She looked at him then Sally and smiled. Sally slowly started to move away, only to be awakened.

"Good morning Y/N and Liu" She yelled while holding her bedsheets and sitting down. "Today is going to be a great day because I'm planning on having a tea party with the both of you!"

He chuckled and looked at Y/N, only to see her smiling towards the young girl. "Well we'll leave you to change and we'll meet you outside once we're done changing so the 3 of us could eat breakfast"

Sally's eyes widened and nodded."I'll change quickly then" She got up to her closet. Y/N and Liu got the hint and walked out of her room. He closed her door and we proceeded to walk to their rooms.

That atmosphere was awkward since they both weren't talking.

Now is the time you should confess Liu

'No, It's only been a couple of weeks since we met. I'll do that in the future when the problem with Zalgo is over' he thought.

He turned his head and looked at her. She stopped to open a door that confused him. But then it hit him. He passed by his room.

She looked at him confused but got inside. He looked at her closed-door until he cursed.

You made yourself look like a fool Liu Sully mentally told him.

"Fuck you, Sully"


After I got inside my room, I was met with a demon smirking. I gave him an uninterested look. "Alex is next, he's too clever to be killed last." My eyes widened

Alex was so kind to me and we just got close again, I can't possibly kill him.

"You won't kill him, sweetie, I will"

I glared at him and shook my head.

He didn't kill my mother so that means he's innocent. We only agreed to get my revenge on the other Creepypastas!

He laughed. "But we need to get rid of him or else he'll tell Slender about his suspicions about you and we don't want that, do we?"

I slowly shook my head. He smirked

"Enjoy your last hours with him," A mist surrounded him but a few seconds later the mist and Zalgo disappeared.

I looked down at the floor thinking. I couldn't believe what just happened. My stepbrother is going to die in a few hours. Is this what I truly wanted?

I shook my head. Alex is going to ruin my revenge plan if he stays alive.

I remembered when his blue eyes were watery because he was crying when he cleared up things with me about his past. I gulped and looked down.

I'm sorry Alex...


As we were having breakfast, the table was silent. Alex was on the right side of me while Liu was on my left.

I looked towards the proxies, only to find one empty chair, the one next to Sally's.

"Where's Masky?" Sally asked

I then remembered Masky was dead. The whole table was silent but then Hoodie stood up and left. I looked at him with a sad expression. I knew they were both close.

Slender started to explain, "Sally, you know when people suffer from a terrible fate-"

"They die by the hands of Ben," Sally finished.

Ben snorted but then had a saddened expression once he thought of Masky.

"Yes, but do you know what happens to them after they die?"

Sally thought about it for a minute "Do they go to heaven or do they live in another life?" She innocently asked while smiling.

Slender looked down. "Well whichever one is true, Masky was met with that fate."

Sally's smile turned into a frown. She had tears in her eyes. "So I won't see him again?" She asked.

Slender sighed, still looking at the ground. "Unfortunately you won't, no one will"

Sally looked down. "Oh," she then looked at all of us "But you guys won't leave me right?"

Slender stood up and faced us. "Which is why we need to be there for each other. Today we're going to train in fighting and running. Sally and Y/N I want you both to attend as well, I don't want to leave you two alone when Zalgo could kidnap or worse, kill you both."

Sally frowned. "But I wanted to host a tea party"

Slender looked at her. "Your tea party could wait until we're done training."

Sally nodded in understanding and started eating her breakfast.


Currently, everyone had to run 25 laps around the mansion except Slender, Sally, and me. Sally and I were sitting on the grass beside Slender. He, on the other hand, was standing up. Sally yawned and laid her head on my shoulder.

"Y/N, how come they're doing this besides us?" She asked

Slender overheard her."We need to protect you both," He stated

"But what would we do while you are all in war?" She asked.

Slender sighed. "I've invited a few more Creepypastas to attend the war. A few of them will stay in the mansion with the both of you. We do not know if Zalgo could kidnap you both and use you to win the war" I nodded and looked at Sally.

"Who's going to come," she asked.

"Jane The Killer, Clockwork, The Bloody Painter, The Puppeteer, and my fellow brothers,"

"Oh, I can't wait to see them again, it's been ages!" She squealed

I only sat there confused. I never knew Slender had a family let alone brothers.

"You'll meet them tomorrow Y/N"

I nodded my head and looked straight, only to see Liu running alongside Alex.

I saw their mouths moving, which meant they were talking. I looked at them confused. What were they talking about?

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