Chapter 10

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I woke up at 7 in the morning and I was so exhausted. I got out of bed and decided to wear black on black (You choose your clothes). I went to the bathroom to splash some water on my face until I saw myself. I had eye bags with dark circles. All of a sudden Zalgo's plan hit me. Shit.

I started walking towards my door to the hallway but I realized I didn't exactly have a plan to sneak into his office. I mentally cursed at myself and started walking to Slender's office. Once I was in front of his door, something made me stop. I felt like I was being watched. As I turned my head to the left I saw Masky standing there in the middle of the hallway.

"Don't even bother to knock, he isn't here right now" I nodded and walked back, I need Masky to leave for me to get into Slender's office.

"Why do you even need him anyway?" I stopped walking and turned towards him. I only shook my head and proceed to walk again. He grabbed my arm forcefully and stared into my e/c orbs. I had an annoyed look which made him angry. "Look I'm not sorry for what I said earlier, not that I care or anything but if you must be reminded then I shall remind you that you aren't special here. We are all killers and we don't have strong emotions which include sensitivity. So stop being a whiny bitch and get over your issue with your brother. Trust me, talking to Slender won't help you at all." He let go of my arm and left, walking the opposite way. Honestly, his words didn't affect me.

Finally, he was out of sight and I knew I had to act fast. I twisted the doorknob and surprisingly it was open. Something was wrong though, I felt a strange feeling but I couldn't describe it. I turned around both sides and no one was in the hallway so I opened the door and got in. The office was empty which made me feel a bit better. Quietly I closed the door and looked around his office. He had stacks of paper on his desk with 2 chairs facing the table. It was such a neat office for a killer like him. I walked around and saw bookshelves stacked with books.

this is going to be a bitch to find, I thought.

Looking around I saw different types of books but nothing stood out for me until one golden one caught my attention. I reached out for it but I realized the cover was blank, no title just blank.

As I flipped the first page I felt someone was watching me or just a strange feeling. I turned around and no one was around.  I flipped a few pages until I saw a picture of Jeff-wait. He didn't have his carved smile which means this was his usual self before he became insane. I panicked a bit. Why am I scared all of a sudden? Maybe my instinct knew what was written on the last page but I didn't want to believe it.


Age: 17

Notes: Mute due to her past, had an abusive dad, killed her dad and stepmother

Looking below I read


I stopped. I couldn't read them. Knowing that I was weak made me feel worse. So that's why Zalgo wants this book. He wants to attack them by their weaknesses. But why would Slender have this? Not to mention, how was he managed to get that type of information?  It doesn't make any sense.

I was flipping through the first pages to find my mom but something behind made me turn over and hit my back to the wall and drop the book. I opened my eyes and saw Slender. He didn't have a face but I can tell he was angry.

The air was tense. Seconds felt like minutes and we were just staring at each other.


I couldn't bear to look at him even though he wanted answers. I wanted to cry, I couldn't do anything and this was all over now.

I'm sorry mom I failed you

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