Chapter 3

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My brother Alex gave me a huge warm smile.

"Y/N it's been such a long time since I last saw you!" he exclaimed while hugging me tightly.

I felt relieved knowing it was Alex and not someone else.

"Where's mom and dad? Are they out?" He asked. I only nodded.

"That's weird, we both know they're antisocial," he laughed. "I came here because I had a day off from University. I was going to come here sooner but you know I was hanging out with the guys but now I'm here for a few hours."

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Alex's company but today was a bad day for him to visit. I killed our parents a few minutes ago and I had to hide their bodies. At the same time what if I wasn't going to see him anymore? This could be the last time I see him.

"Have you eaten dinner?" he asked with a concerned look. I shook my head.

"We're ordering pizza then and I'm paying for it." He stated while grabbing his phone out and headed his way towards the living room. I followed him and sat next to him on the couch.

We sat there in silence for a few minutes until he placed his phone away.

"You know I've been meaning to tell you something important." He said with a nervous hint in his voice. "I'm almost done with University and you're almost 18 so I think it might be best for you to leave this house. I'm pretty sure this house is very toxic for you, don't you think so?"

I smiled and nodded. On the inside, I was freaking out whatsoever. I couldn't keep lying that our parents were gone nor could I tell Alex they were dead.

"I just hope the new..." he paused. "environment will be good for you"


Alex left a few hours later and it was around 10. I planned to bring the bodies onto the car and drive to the forest. That's where I could dump the bodies into a lake.

I started to drag Angelica's body onto the car. I didn't feel sympathy for her. Ever since I was little, I had a bad feeling about her. Now all those years of torment have finally come to an end.

When it came to my father's body however, it brought bittersweet memories. All of my early memories of him were so sweet but all good things come to an end. Angelica's influence shaped him into a different person.

I finally placed them in the back and got into the driver's seat. With just my luck, heavy rain started to pour like a cliche movie. I placed my forehead onto the steering wheel. I had to control my nerves.

After a few minutes of me closing my eyes and breathing, I finally lifted my head and started the car. The forest was around 10 minutes away from where I lived so this trip should be short


I slowly drove into the forest and spotted a lake. I parked 10 feet away from the lake and proceeded to get out of the car. I dragged their bodies until I was near the lake.

I looked at the lake and looked at my reflection. My e/c eyes looked dead. My 5-year-old self was so happy, but then everything went downhill. I couldn't help but let a tear drop onto the lake.

I then heard a growl behind me. I wiped my tears and turn around, only for the sight in front of me to scare me. The creature was slowly making its way towards me. I noticed that he looked like a bald human but with claws (Rake).

We both stared at each other without moving for what seemed like a minute until I sprinted towards the car, leaving Angelica's and F/N's bodies behind. I quickly got in and locked the door.

I looked at the rear mirror and saw "it" stabbing its claws onto its bodies. I turned on the car and drove away. I couldn't get rid of their bodies due to the creature being there. I left the forest secretly wishing that the creature will do that for me.

They were gone... they weren't going to come back...

My smile slowly started to form while I was looking straight ahead.

For the first time in 12 years, I felt like a bird that escaped from its cage. I was finally free.

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