Chapter 4

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I slowly opened my eyes due to the sun rays hitting my face. I felt some pressure off my back. Soon but slowly, memories from last night hit me. I was now the only one in the house. Angelica and my dad weren't a problem anymore.

I sat up and saw my mother's diary laying on my bed. I debated whether or not I should read it. I made up my mind and I grabbed it. I flipped through the first page and started to read,

They say your history shouldn't haunt you, but mine does. I don't regret what I was in the past for it brought me to where I was.

I found out my husband was an alcoholic 4 months after our marriage. When I told him I was expecting, he stopped and we become happy again. After my daughter's birth, I knew my life was perfect again. But all joy comes to an end. I struggled to keep my family safe from those who wanted to hurt me. In the end, I didn't succeed and it will cost them deeply.

I flipped to the next page and found nothing. I kept turning the pages only to see the pages blank. I then saw one of the middle pages contained the entry I read yesterday. I was confused. Why did she need the whole book if it was only 2 entries? I turned to the last page and found a sketch of the big portrait I have of her in my room.

I couldn't help but think there was something she's trying to tell me from her diary, but what?

|~~~With The Proxies~~~|

Slenderman assigned his proxies to check on his forest. Not only to kill victims who trespassed his forest but to make sure there wasn't anything that could cause a scene and lure more humans into the forest. As they were walking, Toby noticed 2 weird figures laying on the ground near the lake.

"H-hey guys, ch-check that out," he said while pointing at it.

Hoodie turned to Masky, only for him to nod. As they were getting closer, they saw the figures were 2 dead bodies. Every creepypasta knew that they shouldn't leave the dead bodies in the forest.

"Could it be J-Jeff who did this?" Toby suggested.

Masky turned them around to see their faces. It wasn't Jeff since they didn't have a carved smile and no one went out killing this midnight.

"S-should we tell Slender?" Toby asked.

Masky just shrugged, "Slenderman could probably know what lead them to their death"

But deep inside the 3 proxies knew there was something more to it than that.


The trio stood in front of their master's desk. Slender folded his hands that were resting on his desk while 'looking' at them.

"So you 3 came to inform me that there are 2 lifeless bodies in the forest when any Creepypasta could have killed them"

Masky scratched behind his head, "Well you see, you have to take a look at it yourself"

Slender nodded while getting up. "Hoodie and Toby could you both warn the others that once I find out who killed them will be greatly punished?"

Hoodie and Toby stood up and nodded, leaving the office. As soon as they left Slender sat down. "I know you're hiding something Masky"

Masky nodded his head "you'll find out once you see it for yourself, sir." Slender nodded while one of his tentacles touched his hand, teleporting in front of the bodies.

Slenderman moved his tentacle to find a pulse to confirm they both died. He kept staring at the male.

"He does seem familiar but I can't seem to place my mind on it"

Masky nodded, "But I do remember who he is.''

That caught Slender's attention and read his mind. Immediately he recognized the male figure only that he was a couple of years older.

"Could it be?" Slender asked while looking at the female figure.

"That can't be her, she was much prettier than her," Masky said while pointing at the dead female.

Slender kept staring at them. "But I do recall they had a child," he said while his tentacle was wrapping the male's arm. "How did they die...." he asked himself.
The young h/c haired girl glared at him and held the knife tighter.

"Imagine what your pathetic mother would say if she saw you like this...oh wait she can't because she's dead!" He yelled.

She widened her eyes and quickly stabbed him in the heart multiple times.

Slender quickly took his tentacle off and placed it on the women's.

She quickly opened the door and slowly walked up towards her while holding the knife tighter. As soon as She was next to her, she slowly woke up and widen her eyes. She smirked and covered her mouth to prevent any screams. She quickly slid her throat.

Slender took his tentacle off again.

"So what happened?"

Slender sighed and thought for a second. "We might have a new creepypasta soon"

Masky stood there confused. "So that means a person could have killed these two?"

Slender nodded. "You'll be surprised who it was Masky"


Slender sighed again.

"Y/N L/N"

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