Chapter 28

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Imagine when your best friend dies. Many will say you lost your soulmate or your other half. They tell you to move on because they wouldn't want to see you all depressed and others greatly care about you. Yet, we miss that company from them. All those memories you can't possibly recreate. All those laughs and pointless conversations, gone, forever.

That's how Clockwork feels. Empty. Useless. She's depressed because Jane was gone.

I stared at her during dinner a few minutes ago. Her hair was a mess and had eye bags underneath her eyes from crying. Toby tries to talk to her but she refuses to eat or talk.

I was confused. In the morning when Liu and I arrived she seemed fine but now she stood silent.

There was a heavy tension in the dining table and we all barely ate.

I kept overthinking about Zalgo and came up with the conclusion he wants us to be in mental pain. That way we wouldn't be able to be strong when the "official" battle starts.

Because of Zalgo's hidden attacks, we are now very limited in our actions. We're trying to stay in the living room as much as possible without leaving the room unless there's an emergency, for example, the bathroom and when it's time to eat.

Other than that it's mostly EJ, Toby, Clockwork, Liu and I at the living room while the remaining Slender brothers were most of their time at Slender's office. Who knows what they're doing.

The clock finally struck 10 pm which meant Zalgo would attack anytime soon.

My heart kept pumping fast and it felt like time went slow.

Slender explained to Liu and me what happened while we were gone and we didn't need to tell him about our story since he was able to read our minds.

Our plan was fairly simple. We're supposed to stay in the living room no matter what and when the time comes, we have to give it with all we got.



I kept staring at the clock.

"Alright, this is s-stupid!" Toby said with his arms crossed.

"Child do you not understand what the word ''patience" means?"

Toby huffed and kept looking around, he was impatient. "I want a-action, I want to k-kill Zalgo!"

"Child I'm sure everyone in this room wants to murder him but we are very limited with our actions. Zalgo could cowardly kill you in a matter of seconds which means we'll have a less chance of killing Zalgo."

"That's b-bullshit, we need to k-kill him once and for a-all" Toby stomped like a child.

E.J then stood up. "Quit acting like a 7-year-old, you of all people should know what Zalgo is capable of and I admit you're right with the part in killing Zalgo but let me remind you that some of the Creepypastas died by doing it themselves. If we work as a team and when the time is right, we could beat him."

Now it was Liu's turn to speak. "E.J is right, for the time being, we have to be patient and wait until Zalgo attacks"

However Toby was stubborn, "G-god how about we all just d-die now I mean there's only 8 of us f-fighting Zalgo's army and the f-fucking devil itself. Do we have a ch-chance?"

The whole room was silent, Toby's words slowly started to sink in.

I promised myself I would kill him even if it was the last thing I'll do.

"I'm going to the f-forest to cool off and d-don't follow me!" Toby yelled while walking away.

Slender then teleported in front of Toby. "What part of being patient do you not understand?!" He yelled.

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