Chapter 22

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I woke up to the sound of a crying child. It was dark and I could barely see a thing. The only child here was Sally so I'm guessing it was her.

"L.J, I miss you so much," she whispered. I stood up and made my way towards the couch.

"Y/N did I wake you up?" She asked heartbrokenly. I shook my head and sat next to her. She raised her arms and wrapped them around my neck. I laid down on the couch and started to rub her back.

"Please don't leave me Y/N," she whispered and fell asleep. I looked down towards her with guilt.

I'm so sorry Sally, because of me, you're suffering way too much.


Morning soon came and it was too quiet. Without L.J's jokes, no one spoke to each other when we woke up. We ate breakfast and trained later.

Of course, Slender didn't want me to train because I wasn't going to fight in the war but now I do. After all, a demon fooled me completely and I want to get revenge. He already killed 5 of us and I'm not going to stand there while he gets the rest of them. Even if I die in the process, I only want to make sure that piece of demonic shit dies and pays for everything he has done.

"Y/N are you alright?" Liu spoke up which made me snap out of my thoughts. He was on my right side and looked at me with worry. Currently, we were sitting outside again but we were training on how to fight instead of running around the mansion. We were all sitting around the fight in a circle while those who were fighting were right in the center. Helen and The Puppeteer fought like 10 minutes ago and of course, Puppet won seeing as he had advantages. Jane and Clockwork were up next and their fight was a pretty painful one to witness seeing as they're pulling each other's hair...ouch.

"Y/N you're going to stay with me when they fight right?" Sally asked while sitting on my lap.  This caught Liu's attention.

I looked at her and shook my head. "Y/N, I made a promise to Alex I would protect you, I'm not letting you go and fight Zalgo," Liu explained.

I gave him a quick glare and grabbed my phone from my jean pocket. I began to type while Sally looked at the screen.

This is my fight as well Liu

Liu hesitated. "I know but I can't let you die, not when there's something important I need to confess."

"Liu, child, you're next and up against Toby," Slender said. Liu got up and went to the inside of the circle.

I looked back at the girls only to see them with blood on their shoulders and messy hair. I guess their fight was over.

"Y/N are you happy here?" Sally randomly asked while wrapping her arms around my neck. I smiled and nodded which earned a smile from her.

I looked back at Liu only to see him in a ready position to attack Toby. I looked towards Toby and saw he was holding his hatchets.  I looked at Liu only to see him holding a knife. How is this even fair?

"Toby has his disadvantages Y/N. Liu only needs to figure them out on time," Slender mentally told me. I nodded my head.

I looked back at Sally, only to see her eyes closed. I laid my back on the grass on the side so Sally can be in a better position on top of my chest but I could still be able to see the fight, even if I'm watching it from a different angle.

Toby made the first move and started walking towards Liu, well twitching. I forgot about his tics. Liu smirked and held his knife tighter, wait, is that Sully? He ran towards Toby and was about to cut him in the shoulder but Toby managed to dodge it. Toby then hit him behind the knees with the back of his hatchets which made Liu fall.

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