Chapter 35

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The 2 white pillars in the forest were in front of me which meant I was a few minutes early.

My heart started to pump fast because I didn't know what to expect once I went through the pillars. I don't even know if I'm capable enough to defeat Zalgo.

I quickly checked if I still had my dagger and the syringe. They were still there.

I sighed and kept starting at one of the pillars. The bottom was turning black and slowly the top of the pillars became black.

I took one more deep breath before walking.

Here goes nothing.

I slowly walked through the pillars and immediately got greeted with hell. In front of me stood a black castle which meant Zalgo was there. The sky was pure black while I felt the heat. I didn't turn around because I knew I was going to regret it but I heard crying from the poor souls. I slowly started to walk towards the door, only to be greeted by Zalgo's guard. He looked just like his pawn.

He immediately looked at me and gasped, "Why do you look so familiar?" he asked.

I was slightly confused. He would have recognized me if he was in his army a while back when we were attacked.

His eyes widened when the realization hit him. "You're the daughter of The Great M/N, Y/N L/N. Zalgo is expecting you."

Wait, he knows my mother?

He quickly opened the door for me to go in. "follow me"

I nodded and followed him.

We began to walk on a red carpet. Portraits of Zalgo killing people were hung up at the wall which kinda scared me. I quickly shrugged it off. Our way towards Zalgo seemed to take ages until he finally opened 2 doors that revealed Zalgo's throne room.

Zalgo sat on his throne with a smirk.

Slowly I started walking towards him and heard the door close behind. I figured that guard gave us privacy.

"My dear Y/N, I didn't expect to see you here"

You told me to come here for you not to kill the remaining pastas.

He smiled at me. "I did, didn't I?" He then laid on his back while still sitting on his throne. "Y/N come closer, I wish for us to talk about a few things before I end your petty life"

I walked towards the stairs to his throne but made sure to keep a safe distance between us.


"What would you do if you saw Alex again?" He randomly asked.

I honestly couldn't think straight. Why would he ask me that all of a sudden?

Maybe hug him and tell him how much I miss him

He hummed in reply. "Do you regret becoming a creepypasta?"

Honestly, I'm in the middle. I became a creepypasta and met new friends but at the same time, I was the one that separated them

He nodded. "So I assume you regret working for me at the beginning, am I right?"

I glared at him. He of all people should already know I regret it nightly.

Zalgo nodded

"I want you to know that I will forever be grateful that you helped me. I admire your devotion dear and I find it quite amusing." He laughed.

I gave him a glare in which he soon noticed. "Right I forgot you're miserable without them."

Silence filled the room and I kept glaring at him. After what seemed forever, Zalgo sat up and soon smirked, "Do you hear that?" he asked.

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