Chapter 6

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After midnight, Liu started to make his way back to the mansion with Y/N over his shoulder. Once he arrived at the mansion, Sully took over and kicked the door open.

"Hey peeps, I'm back. Did you miss me?!" He yelled.

Slender then teleported in front of them, "Good, you got the girl. Were there any problems?" He asked while carrying her unconscious body bridal style.

Liu nodded while nervously chuckling. "You see, she had me pinned to the wall which made Sully knock her out"

Slender nodded. "That's understandable"

Liu was about to take his leave until Slender placed a hand on his shoulder, "Good job Liu and Sully" Liu nodded and left.

Slender teleported to a/an (f/c) room. He gently placed her onto the bed, covering her with the sheets.

He'll get answers later on today, that's if she cooperates. Slender sighed and teleported to his room, leaving her in a deep slumber.


I woke up in a much bigger room... I uncovered the sheets and headed to the window. Trees were all surrounding the building I was in.

What happened last night? Where am I?

All my memories later came back to me at once. Zalgo, creepypastas, the deal. I sighed and looked down. What have I gotten myself into?

"Good morning Y/N"

I turned around and saw a faceless creature. Yeah totally normal to wake up and get greeted by a weird-looking.....creature.

"I'm Slenderman and I will not harm you, I just need some answers, if that's alright with you."

Great, he'll probably kill me because I can't answer him since I'm mute!

"Wait, you're mute?"

Shit. If I say yes then he'll kill me. Goddamn it!

"Look Y/N I'm not going to kill you, I was going to ask if you want to become a creepypasta?"


"Yes, I'm aware you killed F/N and another person in the forest which is why I think you have the potential to be one"

Zalgo did say creepypasta are killers and I would have to become one. I nodded

" Welcome to the Slender Mansion. As you may have noticed, I can read minds as well with teleporting and more. There are more Creepypastas down below but I was wondering if you could have breakfast with us?"

I nodded and stayed calm, but on the inside, I was freaking out. Didn't he read my mind about Zalgo and oh shit he could read my mind again? Damn it!

"Please follow me," he said while walking away.


Slender opened the door and revealed a big dining room. There were many people or in this case Creepypastas staring at me and probably judging me. Great, I never really met a lot of people at once.

"Children I would like to introduce you to Y/N. She is mute so please don't do anything uncomfortable around her." I saw smirks, death glares, and some nodding.

"Child you could sit in front of Sally"

The girl I guess was Sally waved and smiled. She was next to the edge of the table. How is she a creepypasta, she's so cute. I sat in front of her and smiled.

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