Chapter 36

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I woke up feeling weak and not having a memory of what happened. Someone was holding my right hand so I slowly turned and saw Liu holding it while sleeping. He was laying his head on the bedsheet while his face was facing me.

Can I at least not wake up without remembering anything anymore while Liu is the only one that's taking care of me, not that I mind it.

I smiled as I started to play with his hair. All I could remember is going to Zalgo's realm and entering his throne room.

How am I suddenly here?

Liu slowly started to wake up. He then looked at me and widen his eyes. "Y/n," he said while hugging me. "Oh my god Y/N what the hell was that for? Do you know how I was worried- yeah, Liu missed you and he wouldn't stop winning- shut up Sully!"

I smiled. I'm so glad I'm not dead and I'm alive to experience this.

He let go and immediately sat on the chair next to my bed. "Do you remember what happened?" he asked. I shook my head. I knew if he told me then I would probably remember.

"When we arrived at Zalgo's throne room you were already there. You made a deal with him about sacrificing yourself for us but I think you had a plan since you were about to inject Zalgo with a venom. Zalgo, however, had the syringe on your neck and Slender tried to save you but Zalgo threw you to the stained glass window which made you hurt your head and pass out. And this is where things get interesting," he started to rub the back of his head while looking hesitant.

"For some reason, Zalgo... he... they-" a knock on the door was heard which interrupted Liu.

"Oh, Zalgo now I'm going to get interrupted like every single time in the past."

Immediately I remembered how Alex would always interrupt Liu when he was alive. God I miss those moments

The door opened and the person revealed himself. I widen my eyes and wanted to cry. Right in front of me stood Alex, my brother. I had so many questions on why and how was he here. He gave me a warm smile and started to walk towards me on the other side of Liu. "I knew you had it in you sis"

He started to hug me which I, of course, hugged him back.

He let go and sat on my bed near my hip. "You have no idea how worried I was. I'm so glad I asked Liu to take care of you which I guess he did a good job... besides the end"

"What are you talking about? I took great care of her!"

Alex started to laugh but then quickly glared at him. "Do you know how desperately I wanted to get out of his dungeon and save her once Zalgo told us he was planning on killing Y/N because she made a deal to save you 3?"

"Wait, what?" Liu and I were both confused especially me since I don't remember what happened.

I looked at Liu and raised my brow.

"Right I didn't tell you the whole story because I got interrupted by a special someone" Liu looked at Alex and then me. He then started to explain the rest of the story, "Zalgo made every Creepypasta appear out of nowhere but they looked demonic. They had grey skin and red eyes. The three of us thought it would have been best to attack them and later finish Zalgo but when I turned my head towards him, I saw that you were already fighting him. You were stronger than ever but then when you pinned him, he was managed to switch positions. He told you something which made you turn weak and he almost injected you with the venom again but you were managed to inject him with it. His body disappeared and soon every Creepypasta turned normal. I ran towards you but then you fainted. We were all confused until Slender teleported us to the mansion."

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