Chapter 27

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Clockwork and Jane arrived at the mansion after going on a search party for Helen. Unfortunately, they weren't successful. They both went inside the living room only to find the remaining Creepypastas inside.

"I'm guessing you guys weren't successful either?" Jane spoke out.

"Let's hope Y/N and Liu are successful in finding him," Slender said.

"What should we do in the meantime brother?" Trender asked.

"Hm...We can't do anything seeing that it's too late"

"There's always time to have some fun," Offender said while looking at the girls.

"Fuck off," both Clockwork and Jane said while glaring at him.

"We only have 4 more days until this war takes place and we're only 10, assuming Y/N, Helen, and Liu are alive" EJ pointed out.

"B-but why did he k-kill Masky, Hoodie, and the rest of the pastas before the battle?" Toby asked

Slender sighed. "It appears he wanted to make sure we'll go extinct even if it meant by playing dirty"

"But why?" Toby asked again.

"Child I'm not Zalgo, therefore I cannot answer your questions"

" Was it possible that we would have beaten him if we were all alive but because there was a possibility he decided to weaken us?" EJ asked

The whole room was silent, trying to process what Eyeless Jack had thought of.

"That theory could be correct considering he's playing dirty," Slender said while putting his hand on his chin.

"He has mentioned he wanted to break Y/N but why is that? I think he's over exaggerating if the reason was to get revenge on her all because she figured out she was being used." Trender pointed out.

Jane spoke up. "Let's remember her mother was a Creepypasta as well and she almost killed Zalgo. Do you think Y/N is capable of doing the same thing?"

Slender took a few seconds to think. "If that were to be the case that would only mean Y/N would have immortality in her DNA."

"B-But M/N decided to quit being your proxy and that would mean you had to take her i-immortality away" Toby stated.

Slender "stared" at Toby. "I gave her a box that had an injection inside. She should have used it to get rid of it. If she didn't then she should have been immortal."

"How can you explain her death then!" Toby screamed.

"This must have been Zalgo's doing. He probably gave her the shot when she was off guard or asleep." Slender suggested

"Wait does that make Y/N half immortal?" EJ asked.

Everyone was shocked, unable to say anything.

Suddenly, a crash sound was heard making everyone look at the ceiling.

"We'll talk about this later but for now focus on protecting each other!" Slender yelled

On cue, Zalgo appeared beside him laughing. Everyone glared at him and kept their guards up.

"Zalgo... what are you doing here?" Slenderman yelled.

"Relax Slender, I'm not here to cause harm to you." He said while he searched for someone but frowned.

"And where exactly are Helen, Liu, and our precious Y/N?" Zalgo asked with an amusement tone.

"Don't tell me you k-killed them while they were in the forest!" Toby screamed

"Toby!" Slenderman yelled.

"Well well well, it appears that will make my job easier" Zalgo laughed

"What exactly are you talking about?" Slenderman asked.

"I was planning on killing Liu to make Y/N suffer but it appears that I should be able to kill them in a matter of seconds."

"Is it because she's half immortal?!" Toby asked

Zalgo gave him a smirk. "Congrats on finally realizing it, however, I knew that such a long time ago, years to be exact"

"You better not hurt Liu or else I swear -" Trender started to swear but Zalgo interrupted him.

"You'll what?" Zalgo asked with a smirk on his face. " I will kill those 3 and one of you" Zalgo started to look around and stopped when he met Jane's face.


Clockwork took notice and stood in front of her.

"You have to go through me first"

Zalgo started to laugh. "Friendships are a pathetic thing in life because others will backstab you, too bad it wasn't me."

Clockwork was confused until a sword stabbing through a body was heard. She widened her eyes when the realization hit her. She turned around and saw his minion was behind them with a bloody sword in his hand. Jane was bleeding through her heart and her black dress was ripped. Jane took one last glance at Clockwork before she fell to the floor.

"Jane!!!" Clockwork yelled as she bent down and tried to shake her.

Jane only stood there without any emotion and with her eyes closed.

"You fucking monster!" Clockwork yelled

Zalgo felt Slender's anger and knew he had to act fast. He quickly teleported in front of Jane's body and picked her up.

"What are you going to do with her!" Clockwork cried with tears in her eyes.

"None of your concern." He stated

"Don't be surprised if I arrive here at night to kill one of you" he laughed and then teleported away with his minions.

"Come back here, I'm not finished with you!" Clockwork helplessly yelled.

She fell onto her knees sobbing. Her best friend was killed by Zalgo and she couldn't do anything about it. Toby then hugged her from behind

He quietly whispered, "We'll get our revenge, don't worry"

Everyone stood there unable to do or say anything. It all happened in a matter of seconds.

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