Chapter 13

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I woke up facing the left side where Liu was sitting in a chair, resting his head over his arms, facing my side. He seemed to be sleeping peacefully. I smiled.

All of a sudden, it hit me. What is he doing here? what happened?

I only remembered Liu and I went to my house- the diary! I sat on the bed and went on the opposite way where Liu was. I opened the drawer and saw it contained the 2 diaries. I closed it and sighed.

"So you wake up and first check on the diaries instead of yourself or me?" Sully said with a smirk.

I gave him a playful glare and searched for my phone. Liu handed me my phone

Fine, are you okay?

Liu laughed. "I didn't expect you to type that but I am, What about you?"

I'm fine

Liu chuckled, " Of course you are because I saved you"

I looked at him confused and raised my eyebrow.

What happened?

"Ok, so I don't know how and when did this happen but-" Liu was explaining until he got interrupted by Alex opening the door.

"Y/N thank Slender you're alright!"

"You mean me right?" Sully said with a smirk.

Alex rolled his eyes and continued to walk towards me until he was on my right side, the opposite way where Liu was.

"So Y/N how are you feeling?"

"I feel great Alex, thank you for asking," Sully said with a hint of jealousy.

I looked at him confused and showed Alex the text I wrote a few minutes ago

What happened?

Alex widened his eyes. "So you don't remember anything?" He asked

I shook my head. What the hell is the big deal?

Alex started to explain, "So somehow Zalgo-" but was interrupted by Slender teleporting inside the room.

"Oh my Zalgo, can people stop interrupting when we're trying to explain to Y/N what happened!" Sully yelled

Slender 'looked' at him and teleported in front of my bed. "Child how are you feeling?"

Liu facepalmed himself "I'm doing great thanks for asking" Sully sarcastically exclaimed

"Are you much aware of what happened earlier today?" He asked

I shook my head. "Very well then, I shall explain it to you."

For some reason, I was scared if something bad happened.

"Zalgo managed to take over you to get that book you had originally seen yesterday. It contains all the Creepypasta's stories, pictures, and weaknesses. I was angry because it was 1 am and 'you' were sneaking into my office. So I threw you to the wall and that was when Zalgo revealed to us that he was taking over you. Sadly he managed to show his true self and left with the book. You fainted and Liu took care of you during the night. I was afraid if Zalgo managed to grab you later on."

I nodded but I couldn't believe it. Zalgo took over me and left me here? Was this a part of his plan?

"Today in an hour I will hold a meeting with every Creepypasta. We need to make sure we can rely on ourselves to protect each other from our weaknesses. We don't know what Zalgo's next plan is." I nodded and he teleported away.

"Y/N, can you get up?" Alex asked with a concerned face.

I pushed my sheets to the left side while my feet hit the floor on the right side. I got up and was about to fall until Alex held me up. I smiled at him and started to walk. Alex let me go and I was walking normally.

"Y/N you should change your clothes and I wouldn't mind helping you," Sully said with a smirk.

I glared at him while Alex walked up to him and started to squeeze his throat by pulling his scarf ends away from each other.

"Listen here you little shit, say that one more time and watch how I'll end the both of you painfully and slowly" He slowly let the scarf ends go and Liu was on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

"I'm *coughs* immortal"Sully said while looking at him in the eyes.

"Then I'll work with Zalgo just to kill you," Alex smirked and looked at me.

I smiled and proceeded to walk away from Liu with Alex on my side. Liu got up and screamed, "It's not my fault Sully is like that!" and started to walk behind us.

"Then try to control him," Alex laughed.


We made it to the dining table but it was empty. I looked at Alex confused.

"Oh it's around 11 so everyone ate breakfast beside the 3 of us," Alex explained

I nodded and took my seat.

Liu sat in front and looked at me. I noticed and looked at Alex, who was serving food on 2 plates. He caught me staring and smirked. He carried those 2 dishes and placed one in front of me and the other on my left side. He sat down and looked at Liu with the biggest smirk.

"I told you it's not my fault Sully said that!" He exclaimed

"Well I know but there's also a meaning why I didn't serve you. You've not injured" Alex explained.

I started eating but everything started to get blurry. I looked at Liu and he looked at me with a concerned face.

"Y/N are you alright?" Liu asked while getting up "You're turning pale"

Alex looked at me and so did I. I tried to get up but I fell on Alex's side, where he caught me.

Everything turned black until a circle of fire was in front of me. A creature was rising but once I saw him closely, I knew it was Zalgo. The ring of fire vanished and it was just the both of us.

"Greetings dear Y/N"

Zalgo what the fuck was that all about? I thought you were going to help me get revenge!

Zalgo raised his eyebrow and smirked. "But I am dear Y/N. I finally own the book and we can get your revenge one by one. I figured you want to start with Masky or Jeff am I correct?"

I nodded.

"I only did that so then no one would suspect you're working for me. I told them you were suffering and that you were the perfect victim for me. Luckily they believed it, so now it's safe for you to get your revenge without anyone suspecting you."

I gave him a distrustful look but he smirked. He held both of his hands in the front and the book appeared. "Now shall I tell you about Masky's weaknesses if it means you could trust me again?" He asked.

I thought for a few seconds and nodded.

He smirked. "Perfect" And opened the book.

I hope I'm making the right choice...

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