Chapter 20

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I took a deep breath to try to calm my nerves. Masky, Jeff, and Alex were dead because I was working for Zalgo. Because I didn't notice it on time, they're dead. I shook my head. This can't be happening, it just can't.

I then remembered about Liu. I need to save him. I ran outside my room and went to Slender's office. I didn't knock seeing as this was an emergency. I opened the door and Slender wasn't in there. I closed the door and started heading to the dining room.

"Ahhhhhhh" I heard Sally yell.

I quickly rushed to the dining room and only to see Sally on the floor, outside the dining room, crying with her knees up.

She looked up and ran towards me. I bent down and hugged her. "He's here!" I was confused. I looked at her with a confused face. "Zalgo is here!" She yelled

My eyes went wide and I was about to leave her until she said. "Please be careful Y/N!"

I nodded and opened the door. Zalgo was on the right side while Slenderman, Ben, E.J, L.J, Hoodie, Toby, and Liu were on the left.

"Y/N stay with Sally!" Liu ordered.

Zalgo chuckled "Right on time Y/N now watch how I'm going to take 'him'"

I shook my head. You're not taking him, I now know what kind of monster you are. You're the real enemy here.

Zalgo laughed and Slender was shocked. Both of them read what I mentally said leaving everyone else confused.

"Child-" Slender spoke up but got interrupted by Zalgo.

"It took you a while to know I was the real enemy Y/N, but It's too late now. I've killed Masky, Jeff, and Alex, the real strong ones so now my job is much easier all thanks to you! But now I want to break you. You're now just a toy that I don't need any more'' He looked towards Liu. "And I know how to do it."

Zalgo took a step towards Liu but I quickly got my dagger in hand and sprinted towards him. Before I could attack him, he sent me flying towards Liu.

"Y/N!" Liu yelled while I landed next to him.

I got up and held my dagger tightly. I'm not letting you kill him

Zalgo laughed and summoned his pawns. They all looked similar to him but tinier versions.

"Then we'll have a battle right here!"

They were about to charge towards us until L.J spoke up. "Where's Sally?"

I looked at him and pointed outside the dining room.

"Laughing Jack, go and protect Sally!" Slender yelled

He nodded and ran outside the dining room.

"Coward!" Zalgo yelled and commanded his army to attack us.

There were about 50 and they were all surrounding us.

"Children be careful and stay alive!" Slender yelled as we started to fight all of them.

Zalgo only stood there looking at our every move while studying us. He quickly thought of something and smirked, I saw him in the corner of my eye.

How I wish I can get rid of that smirk off his face.

One of his minions was about to kick me in the stomach but I dodged it. Another minion was behind me and kicked behind my knees which made me fall.

I looked towards Zalgo only to see him gone. Someone grabbed my chin and forced me to look at them. The devil itself was right in front of me. "I won't be killing Liu now," He smirked. "But I will be getting someone else," and with that, he walked away.

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