Chapter 25

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Our way back to the mansion was silent again. After Helen's confrontation, I honestly couldn't help but feel worse. I felt pity for how he lost his best friend, Puppeteer.

I sat on a chair, in front of my bedroom window and stared at each droplet that fell onto the window. My arms were resting on the armrest of my chair. Memories of Zalgo killing my friends made me cringe at my past actions. I closed my eyes and felt tears coming out. I guess the sky isn't the only thing that's crying.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I quickly wiped off my tears and pretended that it never happened.

"Y/N are you alright?" I heard Liu ask behind me. I ignored him and kept looking at the raindrops, the thing that kept me sane for now.

"Y/N look at me" He demanded. I ignored him again.

He sighed and moved in front of me. He bent down and placed his hands on top of mine that was laying on the armrest.

"You can't keep acting like this. Sooner or later you'll realize that this wasn't your fault."

Funny, it's quite obvious that this was my fault. Why is he still trying to comfort me? I'm not worthy enough to have his sympathy. I don't belong here. I shouldn't have come here. Liu shouldn't have taken me. I shouldn't have killed my parents.... my parents should have killed me.

"Y/N if you need anything know that I will always be here."

He probably doesn't mean it. Why would he help a helpless human like me?

He got up and glanced outside. "We have a chance that we could beat Zalgo only if we all stay alive for the next 5 days, at least until the war is over."

I moved my gaze onto the floor and patiently waited for him to leave.

"I'm probably annoying and being too clingy towards you. I'll leave now," he turned around and left.

I kept my gaze on the floor until I heard the door shut behind me. I laid my head onto the chair and looked up at the ceiling. I sighed.

What am I going to do now? We only have 5 days until the real battle starts and Zalgo is cowardly killing everyone. I felt exhaustion take over so I closed my eyes and let the darkness take over.


I woke up with someone shaking me.

"Y/N, wake up"

I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was the dark sky.

"Dinner is ready, Slender wants to talk to us," Liu stated.

I sighed and got up.


I sat where I usually sit and couldn't help but notice that the dining table was emptier than usual. Our food wasn't served yet but we were all sitting down in silence. I felt Helen's stare even if his mask was covering his face. The fact that he was sitting in front of me didn't help.

Somehow I dared to look up at him only to find out my assumption was correct. There he was, staring at me. We both looked at each other for a few seconds until Slender finally came over with dishes filled with food.

"Children I know today we lost 2 important Creepypastas but we need to move on and focus on the war that is soon to come"

Helen and I didn't make eye movements and kept our gaze toward each other.

"I sense we have a lack of trust in each other but let me remind you we are at times at war, therefore we need to rely on each other when the war takes place."

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