Chapter 7

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Days have passed and I became friends with the Creepypastas. They each told me a bit about themselves which earned a nod from me, sometimes a smile. I refuse to show weakness to these serial killers because they could be planning anything. Speaking of planning, that reminds me of Zalgo. We haven't talked since the scenario in Slender's office but hopefully, he's starting to plan on how to get rid of these Creepypastas.

"Y/N are you alright?"

I heard a child's voice. Looking down I saw a brunette with a pink dress. Sally. I can't possibly kill her now can I? She's way too innocent to have killed my mother but, yet again, she's a Creepypasta. I can't let my guard down.

I nodded and she smiled.

Gosh, it's hard for me to think of her as a killer. Mainly because she's so sweet and she's young.

"She's only worried because she has a killing spree task to prove to Slender she's worthy," Ben said while his eyes were focused on the screen in front of him.

l sighed annoyed due to his behavior. He tried to flirt with me once but Liu would always stop him. Speaking of Liu, where is he? Not that I care or anything, just wondering since he's always here.

"Well you don't have to worry Y/N, I know you'll do a great job!" Sally said while laying her head on my thighs. Currently, I was sitting on the couch while Sally was next to me watching Ben play video games. The mansion was really quiet for living with insane killers but they'll probably out killing. They kill at night and we haven't even had dinner yet so it was around 6 in the afternoon?

I started playing with her hair until a maniac decided to break the silence. Whom might you ask? Jeff the fucking killer.

"What's up people!" he yelled while entering the living room.

I glared at him but luck wasn't on my side since he caught me glaring at him." Aw is Y/N jealous that I can talk unlike you?" he asked in a mocking voice.

I hated him since the first day. He thinks he's so special just because he had 'The Killer" in his name. I for one say it's stupid. He's so annoying like his brother, well Sully to be exact. Liu is more of a quiet and mature guy but Sully...well he's the opposite.

"So Y/N" Jeff sat on the left side of me while looking at Sally. "I overheard Slender talk about you" I looked at him without any emotion but on the inside, I was freaking out.

"So a Creepypasta will join you in your killing spree test to make sure you don't fuck up"

I glared at him and pointed at Sally. Ben surprisingly paused the game and looked at him with a shocked face. I looked down and saw Sally sleeping peacefully. If Slender was here then he would kill us, well Jeff to be exact.

"Jeff, be more careful next time," Ben whispered.

Jeff only shrugged. "Anyways guess who it is?" I looked at him and raised my eyebrow.

"Seriously guess!" I looked at him with a 'are you fucking kidding me' look. He started to laugh. "Oh, right you can't talk!!" He hugged his stomach with his head on the pillow, laughing uncontrollably.

I laid Sally on the opposite side where Jeff was. Ben raised an eyebrow, not knowing why I did that. I took a deep breath and glared at Jeff. No one makes fun of me because I'm mute. He got up still laughing but I held onto his shoulders and kicked him with my knee where the sun doesn't shine. He immediately fell, groaning in pain. Ben tried to not laugh but couldn't control himself causing Sally to wake up.

"Huh?" She spoke out. "What happened to Jeff?" I turned towards Sally and smiled, earning a smile from her too.

Jeff was groaning so loud some creepypastas came down to check out why he was yelling.

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