Chapter 8

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He tried to stab me but I managed to grab his right arm just in time. He used that as an advantage and used his body to make me fall. My pocket knife fell. I was weak and he knew it. He was trained to fight and I wasn't.

"You know Y/N you have the guts to trust me on this mission." He kicked my pocket knife out of the way. "But I can't let any weak creature like you randomly just become a Creepypasta."

I was crawling back in fear. This can't be the end, it just can't.

"Don't get me wrong, if you had training you would have become a great one however I never did like you and ever since you made me look like a fool towards them, I might as well make sure it won't happen again."

My back finally hit the wall and I was even more scared. I can't believe this is happening.

He bent down and looked at me directly. "And guess what? I might as well end your fairytale right here," He raised his knife until he somehow dropped it while falling to the ground. He landed hard on the floor which made me lookup. Zalgo.

"I saw what he was about to do and I just simply couldn't watch and do nothing." I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. If he wasn't here then I would probably be- no I can't possibly think of it.

"I'm aware of how they are heartless but you need to be more careful next time. You can't just trust them right away, that's why they're dangerous."

I looked down and tried to think if it's even worth it. I already got yelled at and almost got killed just to have my revenge. Is it worth it? Of course, it is! Stop being stupid Y/N, you vowed you'll kill anyone who was involved in her death.

Zalgo looked behind as if he was searching for something. "I have to go, another Creepypasta is here," he looked down at Jeff. "Just say that guy hit him because Jeff was being a retard. So you had to save him" I nodded and he left.

I got up and got ready to face whoever this person might be. A brunette haired guy with stitches appeared. Liu.

"Y/N! What happened to Jeff?!" He quickly ran next to him and checked his pulse.

I got my phone out and typed

He was being stupid and didn't realize a guy was behind him, anyways what are you doing here?

"I came here to check on you guys. Well mostly you since it's Jeff we're talking about but it seems he's a bigger dumbass than before."

He looked at the right and saw my quote

"I put people on mute," he read "Y/N that's a great quote, I guess people will know there's a new killer in town"

I smiled at his kind words but then remembered what Zalgo said. I can't trust anyone anymore. Which includes Liu and Sally.

"Let's head back home I'll carry Jeff"


We were finally back home and I was exhausted. It was past midnight I think.

"You know, this reminds me of when I kidnapped you, it was around midnight when I was carrying you through the forest and arrived here"

My only reply was a simple nod. I wasn't smiling or anything because who would?

He left Jeff on his bed and started walking out of his room. Slender just popped out of nowhere which made me jump but not Liu. He then closed Jeff's door.

"What happened?" Sender asked.

I didn't know if he meant Liu or me but Liu decided to speak, "Jeff was a dumb ass. He got knocked out by a person because he wasn't careful"

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