Chapter 11

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The young blonde boy stared at his mother who was drinking a substance that would make her act weird. Ever since the death of his father she's been acting like this, insane and drunk.

"Mommy," he asked. "Why are you drinking that? Could I try it?" His sparkling blue eyes were wide showing he was curious. He was only 10 so how was he supposed to know the dark side of life.

She insanely laughed, "This, Alex" she lifted the wine bottle, "is medicine," she explained. "This is the only thing that keeps me alive and sane and if you want, you could drink this entire bottle, I don't need it anyway."

She stood up and walked towards him. "You're the only thing I have left, *hiccup* but not for long. Pretty soon you'll have a new dad. All I need is to steal his money and we'll be happy" She handed him the bottle.

Alex gladly grabbed it and took a sip, "yuck" he swallowed it but made a disgusted face. "I don't like it."

She took it back and poured the liquid on him causing him to cry. "You smell like fucking shit Alex, why can't you be a normal boy for once and get the hell out of my life!" She threw the bottle at him but he tried to block it with his right arm which caused some cuts. She slowly went to her room and passed out.

Alex took a deep breath trying to be brave. His mother would always call him weak, he wanted to prove her wrong. He got up and quietly went outside to the forest. He couldn't take his life anymore, he missed his biological father.

Once he found his favorite tree, he sat down with his back facing the tree. "Dad I miss you so much," he said while looking at the sky. "I-I don't like Mom, she's mean," he said while rolling up his sleeve. "She did this to me!" He said while showing his bloody arm to the sky. "I wish she wasn't here anymore. I wish you were here to make me happy again"

Suddenly a weird creature stood in front of him. A tall man with a suit but had no facial features and not to mention he had tendrils.

Alex turned to face him and smiled. He knew a new adventure awaited him

As time went on, Alex helped Slender gain a few Creepypastas. He remembered how Slender was more than an alliance, more like a loving father. Ever since then, Alex told Slender everything. Once Angelica and F/N were married, Alex knew Y/N was suffering the same way he did before. However, she was worse since she was mute. He got along with her but he had to go to "college" which prevented him from defending her.

So how did he balance his double life? Pretty simple, he didn't go to high school at all. During those "school hours," he was helping Slenderman with missions.

How did he graduate? He didn't. During the day his mother and stepfather thought he graduated, they were passed out. The thought of him attending college somewhere far helped him take on longer missions.

However, one thought always came to mind. "How's Y/N?" he asked himself every day. He was scared to tell Slender a request of letting someone join but was Y/N capable of living with killers? He was scared if she couldn't handle it. He got so close to her that he regrets not bringing her here to the mansion...


"And that's my backstory," he concluded. I nodded and stood up. " Y/N I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!" He said while having tears in his eyes. "I would do anything to go to the past and bring you with me! If I only knew your mother was "The Great M/N" then I would have brought you here sooner!"

I closed my eyes and nodded. He took a deep breath which made me look at him. He smiled and hugged me. "I'm not planning on leaving you anytime soon besides on important missions. You mean so much to me that I can't let you go that easily. I promise to protect you from now on, even if it costs me my life because I'll do anything for you."

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