Chapter 40

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A few months have passed after Liu and I caught Alex and Jeff by the lake. Alex and Jeff haven't told anyone about their relationship and Liu and I respected that but, sometimes they would make it so obvious that they were dating. Overall things were pretty calm, to be honest. Liu and I visited the under realm daily just to make sure everything was okay and helped the forgotten pastas if they needed help. However, I noticed I started to become more insane than I already was which troubled me. I wanted to go on killing sprees more often and was satisfied whenever I killed over 10 people at night. I knew I had to either talk to Slender or EJ about it.

I was near Slender's door when I heard voices coming from his office. I knocked on the door, not wanting to disturb them but heard a "come in". I opened the door and saw E.J sitting in front of Slender.

"Y/N please come and sit here. We were discussing you"

I nodded while shutting the door behind me. I made my way towards a seat while Slender just kept his gaze at me.

"Tell me, child, have you perhaps noticed a few changes towards your personality"

I then remembered how killing sprees would always make me feel insane.

Slender nodded which reminded me he could read thoughts.

"Child do you know what day is it tomorrow?"

I shook my head. I honestly lost track of the date ever since I defeated Zalgo.

Slender chuckled, "Y/N your birthday is tomorrow."

I widen my eyes while I mentally face palmed myself. I swear I'm so stupid. "How can I forget my birthday?"

"Child If I may ask, have you noticed you perhaps became more insane?"

Flashbacks, when I've killed several people, came into my mind. It was true, ever since I've gone out with Liu on our killing spree, I had the urge to kill others. That was the reason why I came here in the first place. I nodded at him. I wanted, scratch that, I needed to know why I was acting like this. There had to be an explanation right?

"Don't worry child, there's nothing you need to be afraid of. It's actually for a good reason"

E.J nodded, "You're just officially a real Creepypasta"

I gave him a confused look. Wasn't I one already?

"I thought I was already a Creepypasta," I admitted.

"Well-child technically you're still aging however tomorrow you'll officially be full immortal and an actual Creepypasta because you'll stop aging. Your body is slowly going through that process which is why it's natural to have that strong urge to kill."

I nodded as I was slowly processing the information. My actions were making sense.

"Being immortal means you're going to stop aging and live a long life ahead however that doesn't mean you can't die" E.J started to explain

"They're some specific weapons that could kill us but I was managed to collect most weapons and keep them hidden in case of an emergency."

"Like Flair's situation?" I asked in which he nodded.


It was now around midnight meaning I had officially turned 18. I sat on my bed with my normal clothes on.

I kept thinking about how this year changed me. For example, when I was still living with Angelica and F/N my whole life was such a mess. I thought I wouldn't be able to escape from that hell hole. Somehow my insanity broke and I killed them both. Liu came and took me to the mansion where I met all of my new friends. I then discovered my mom was a Creepypasta along with my half brother Alex. I joined alliances with Zalgo but I realized he was the true enemy. He "killed" most of my friends and therefore I had to live with the guilt. But in the end, I killed Zalgo and brought my friends back. Who knew this story would contain a good ending?

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