Chapter 34

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I woke up tired. I looked at my clock and read at 1 pm. I guess I overslept. I looked around and saw that I was at my house again.

Memories of what happened went through my mind which brought tears into my eyes. I quickly wiped them away, trying to be strong. I have to or else I'll be too weak.

I got up and grabbed my backpack. I unzipped it and took out my clothes and placed them near my bed. Last but not least, I got my mother's diary out. I then remembered I wasn't entirely done reading it. I guess I'll just have to finish it today before I have to go.

My stomach growling interrupted my thoughts which reminded me I haven't eaten breakfast or lunch. I grabbed the diary and headed straight towards the kitchen.

I had a feeling I was limited to what I could eat since I haven't been here for months.


After I ate, I read a few entries about some of my mom's kills. There were only a few more pages left which I felt a bit relieved yet scared.

Tim came and warned me about my long-ago enemy, Zalgo. When I was young I almost killed him but he managed to get me off guard and attack me. Now that I'm retired from being a Creepypasta, he was back. Tim informed me Zalgo warned Slender he would hurt me and Y/N if we didn't have a rematch. I had to agree. I left Y/N all by herself. Worst mistake I've ever made. Zalgo came to my house and studied her. He knew how she was going to look in the future so that he could locate her later. He made sure Y/N would forget about the incident so that way she wouldn't recognize him by the time she's old enough.

I looked ahead and thought about what she just wrote.

Zalgo visited me when I was younger, is that the reason why he knew so much about me when we first met?

Slender gave me this venom in a syringe. This venom could kill any immortals including Zalgo. I tried to use it but our battle got very violent. We were both badly injured which resulted in him teleporting away along with me being forced to leave.

Y/N I don't know whether he's going to go after you or not but know that the syringe is behind your baby photo in your room. That should kill any immortals. Even if you inject a slight bit of venom, it should greatly weaken them. I hope you can finish what I couldn't.

I stood up and immediately walked towards my baby portrait that was hanging from the wall. I slightly moved it and saw a small square hole with a small black box inside. Immediately I grabbed it and placed the portrait back to its place.

I sat on my bed again and took out the top of the box. The syringe still had the venom and it was pure black.

I placed the top of the box back and set it near the nightstand.

What if I use that against Zalgo?

I smiled, maybe I could go back to the mansion afterward but then I remembered about the letter I wrote.

Fuck he had it all planned out


Liu sat on the couch trying to think why would Y/N leave all of a sudden. It didn't make sense to him. She left because she felt like she didn't feel comfortable. He tried to think of any possible hint but couldn't figure out anything.

Y/N was known as someone who regretted her past actions with Zalgo. Could that be the reason why she left?

"Still trying to figure out why she left?" EJ asked while sitting next to him on the couch.

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