Chapter 39

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After the under realm incident, we all returned to the mansion. Everyone was doing their regular thing like Ben playing video games with Jeff. Masky and Hoodie doing who knows what. Toby and Clockwork were outside talking along with Jane who was third-wheeling. Sally playing with the Slender brothers, Puppet was hanging out with Painter in his room and both Jacks were watching Jeff and Ben playing.

Slender told Liu, Alex, and I to meet him in his office once Liu and I finished eating breakfast since we both skipped it this morning.

So now here we are in front of Slender's desk with Liu sitting on my left and Alex on my right.

"So what exactly happened when you sat on the throne Y/N?"

"Liu sat on it first but he became, how can I say this? He was demonic and tried to kill me. I kissed him and the spell wore off. Then the black throne turned white and so I sat on it. The whole black castle changed completely and that's when people appeared. Flair went up to me and explained they were the forgotten pastas and told me how Zalgo took over the under realm," I explained. "But I'm slightly confused on how the under realm works"

Slender nodded, "'The forgotten pastas are dead Creepypastas. They were some of the first ones I had, but since we had a war with Zalgo, many died. They're called forgotten pastas because no one remembers them since it's been ages"

I nodded, "How come they have their bodies while humans just have souls in the under realm?" I asked

"The under realm is quite strange. Here we aren't exactly free seeing as we're killers but the under realm is the opposite. Since humans are the superior race in the real world, in the under realm are the Creepypastas."

I nodded, "Ok which brings me back to today's incident. How do you know Flair?"

Slender sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Flair, let's just say, she was special. After M/N left the mansion, Flair became like M/N, almost like a daughter to me. Jealousy, however, consumed her when all she heard was M/N here in the mansion. I guess you could say she wanted attention. One day she swore she would kill M/N so that's when I had to take action. I killed her."

"No wonder why she hated you," Liu joked while shaking his head.

"It wasn't my fault. We know our #1 rule is to not kill each other. If she killed M/N then I couldn't bear it. Not to mention Y/N wouldn't be here"

Liu turned a bit red. I looked at Liu and laughed at him.

"How was my mother- I mean Angelica alive?" Alex asked.

Slender looked at me and waited for my response.

"Right um, I'm not entirely sure if I got the story right but apparently, Zalgo knew who my "parents" were so when I killed them and left their bodies in the forest. The Rake found them and took them to Zalgo. He revived them because he read my weakness in the Creepypasta book were them."

Slender nodded, "Masky and I saw their dead bodies one morning and left them. Perhaps the Rake got them later"

Slender then was silent and stared at me, "What happened after you left this morning?"

"Once I arrived at the under realm, two guards were guarding the castle. They told me their only ruler was Flair so anger consumed me and somehow they fainted. Once I arrived at the throne room, Flair was sitting on the throne and she told me how she helped Zalgo take over the under realm but he betrayed her. She tried to kill me with her powers but I managed to stop her." I explained.

Slender nodded again, "When Liu came to the mansion, he did mention about a girl named Flair, I'm just glad you're alright"

There was silence for a few seconds until Slender stood up, "I think we settled things out then. Thank you Y/N for telling me this."

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