Chapter 29

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Clockwork started to sprint away from the mansion with one goal in mind. To reunite with her loved one. She knew the forest like the back of her hand and knew that there was a lake nearby.

Toby was more than a friend to her. He helped her whenever she got depressed and made her feel special. Because he died, she felt empty, numb, and...suicidal.

At last, the clear blue lake was in front of her. She fell on her knees and looked through her reflection.

"I'm so sorry Toby but, I have to break your promise," she cried while closing her eyes


Clockwork was about to jump onto the lake while thinking that nobody would care for her. Before she could even jump, a brown-haired boy grabbed her by her waist and threw her away from the lake with tears on his cheeks.

"What were you about to do? C-can't you see I c-care for you so much?!"


Both of them were staring at the sunset. They both became such close friends that Clockwork opened up about her depression towards Toby.

"C-can you promise me s-something?" He asked

"Of course," she said while staring at the sunset.

"Promise me you'll never take on your life, no matter what. Even if I'm not there, please don't do it"

"Toby" she whispered while looking down. "I can't-"

"Please" he begged with puppy eyes.

She turned towards him and smiled. "Fine I promise"


Her tears started to fall towards the lake.

"I promised him" she whispered

She opened her eyes but instead of seeing her reflection, she saw Toby's face.

"Be by my side C-clocky"


That couldn't be him.

"C-come on Clocky, I miss you so much! I want you to be here," he begged

"You're not Toby! The real Toby wouldn't want me to die!" She screamed

"But I-I love you"

She stood there in silence, unable to believe it. That word made her feel weak


"I-I never admitted my love t-towards you because I was scared of rejection. I-I love you so much that I'm okay with you b-breaking your promise if it means you'll be by my side"

She started to stand up.

"That's the spirit, just think about our future"

She slowly took a step forward so that the water ran past her ankle.

He loves me

She took another step forward but this time the lake reached between her knees and ankles.

Our future

Now the water ran past her knees. Her tears were falling yet she had a smile on her face.

He loves me

Adrenaline started to take over which caused her to get deeper into the lake. Slowly, the lake was up to her neck but she still had a smile on her face.

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