Chapter 23

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I woke up with a pain sensation on my head. I rubbed it while trying to remember what incident happened that caused me to have it. I sat up and looked around and saw that I was in my room.

What exactly happened?

Suddenly, the door was opened by a person no other than Liu. He saw that I was awake and sighed. "I'm so glad you're finally awake," he confessed.

I looked at him confused. He got the message and asked, "Do you not remember what happened yesterday?"

I shook my head.

His eyes widened and closed the door behind. "Zalgo got Sally and Ben," he explained.

My eyes widened as well and I immediately remembered yesterday's incidents. I still couldn't believe it happened.

Liu sighed and walked up towards me. He sat at the edge of my bed and looked at the window. "I know how you feel." He then looked towards me. "Y/N you have to believe me when I say, this isn't your fault. There was no way you would have known if Zalgo was telling you the truth. He even confessed he gave you illusions just so you would be useful for him."

Even after he said that I still felt guilty. I was so stupid to let a demon fool me completely and now he's killing everyone. I shook my head.

"Y/N Please don't let yourself down. You're a very strong person and we will eventually defeat Zalgo."

Even if we were to defeat him, there would be no way we could bring the rest of the CPs back. He has already done so much damage.

"Y/N look at me"

But I didn't. I felt fingers grabbing my chin and forcing me to look into Liu's emerald eyes.

"We'll do something about his damages but for now just rest. Slender has already healed your injuries but you might get a headache so you need to rest." He got up and looked at me.

I rolled my eyes and laid down. Liu quickly pulled my sheet up without letting me react.

"We only have 5 more days to train and we need to make sure we don't get killed by Zalgo," Liu said with a sad expression.

I nodded my head and closed my eyes. I heard footsteps leaving and the door open. The door closed which meant he left so I opened my eyes.

I'm not going to lay in bed while everyone is in danger. I sat up and thought about who would be Zalgo's next victim. I got up and made my way to my desk while sitting on my rolling chair. I got a paper and pen and started to write every Creepypasta's name down. All that was left were









Bloody Painter




He did say I was going to be the last one so I might not be it. I crossed out my name.

He could get the leader which is Slender but I'm pretty sure he wants him to suffer. I crossed out his name as well. But then I realized Zalgo could have gotten Sally because he knew she meant so much to him.

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