Chapter 26

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I woke up to the sound of a baby laughing. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my left where Liu was. There he was playing with the baby. The baby tried to reach for his face while Liu was holding him up with a smile across his face. He then felt my stare and looked towards me.

"Good morning Y/N"

I smiled at him and then looked at the baby.

"He couldn't stop smiling after he saw my beautiful face," Liu joked.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the clock that was on the top of the nightstand and read 8:05 am. I stretched my arms and then got up.

Liu then got up as well and spoke out, "so I was thinking I could maybe take this little guy to the adoption center while you and Helen could stay here and prepare breakfast. I think it's time he should get to know you better and not to mention I don't trust him with the baby"

I nodded my head and proceeded to leave the room. As I was walking down the stairs, I overheard Liu knocking on Helen's door.

"Helen we need to talk"

Helen opened the door and moved to the side to let him in and closed the door.

Helen stared at him without his mask on.

Liu spoke out, "look, I'm going to give this baby to the adoption center and hopefully they'll accept him. Meanwhile, you and Y/N could stay here and make a quick breakfast before we go to the Slender Mansion. And fix your shit together with Y/N. At least listen to her side of the story." Sully ended.

Helen sighed. "I suppose I could give her a chance" Liu smiled but then Helen interrupted. "But if there's something fishy about her story, I will never talk to her again."

Liu sighed. "Fine" and left his room.

I looked through the fridge and immediately saw a box of waffles.

Toby would love this I thought

"Y/N I'm going now," Liu said behind me.

I turned around and saw him holding the baby protectively. He was wrapped with a blue blanket.

I nodded and gave him a real smile. I started to walk up towards him to take a glance at the baby again. His blue eyes made their way towards my e/c ones and a smile appeared on his face.

I slowly looked at Liu and saw that he was staring at me. We both stared at each other until Helen broke the silence.

"Honestly you both look like the parents of that child." He said while standing behind Liu. He now had his mask on.

"Helen, just shut up"

"You know it's true" Helen stated with a smirk on his face.

"Whatever I'll be back in a few minutes and try not to destroy the house and make sure you get your shit together and talk to Y/N."

Helen rolled his eyes. "I already told you that I'll try"

Liu nodded and took one last glance at me before leaving the house.

Helen walked away which left me alone in the kitchen. I grabbed the package of waffles and got them out of the refrigerator. I also got a gallon of milk and some boxes of cereal that were on the kitchen counter.

Helen came back with sheets of paper and a pencil.

"I promised Liu that I was going to try to get along with you so I'm going to ask you a few questions."

I nodded while I sat at the dining table with Helen in front of me.

"Did you know your mother and Alex were Creepypastas when you arrived at the Slender mansion?"

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