Chapter 33

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I kept staring at those carved words in disbelief. Every letter looked like as if I cut myself and it even hurt like it. I grabbed a white towel and then realized Slender would notice since this was his towel. I tried watering my cut on the sink but it hurt like fucking hell.

Fucking Zalgo

Blood started to stain the sink which made me panic. I tried cleaning it with water and thank Zalgo that it worked... not that I want to thank him but you get the idea.

I turned the faucet off and looked at those bloody words on my arm. I took a deep breath and tried to distract my pain. For some weird reason, the words and the pain slowly started to fade away however the scars were still there. I looked around to see if there was a sign of blood anywhere which there wasn't. I started to leave the bathroom which led me straight to Slender's bedroom.

I left his room and went straight to his office and saw Liu and EJ still sitting down on the chairs. Slender appeared and was holding 4 plates on his tendrils.

This is going to be a long afternoon...


It was already 9 and we already ate dinner. I somehow need to go to my room and pack my stuff before I need to leave, yet I need to think of an excuse to make sure it won't cause any suspicions.

"Children I realized it's almost bedtime which means you three would like to go to your rooms. Sadly you cannot stay there for the night seeing as Zalgo can get you so you three have permission to go to your rooms and pack whatever you need to spend your night and tomorrow here at my office."


The three of us silently started to head towards our rooms.

"Do you want me to pick you up after I'm done?" Liu asked. I gave him a fake smile and shook my head

I can't or else I won't have enough time to write the letter and pack everything.

Liu nodded, "alright".

I was finally in my room, the place where I can let out my emotions without anyone judging me.

I'm so going to miss this place.

I locked the door just to be safe and grabbed a black backpack.

Let's see, tomorrow I'm going to spend the day at my house and the next day I would have to go to Zalgo. I grabbed a black pair of black converse/ black combat boots with a pair of black leggings/jeans and a black hoodie. (In case if you don't like the outfit, feel free to change it)

I went to my nightstand next to my bed and opened the drawer.

My eyes widened when I saw my mom's diaries. I forgot about these. I placed them in my backpack along with my phone.

I went to my desk and sat down on my rolling chair and grabbed a blank paper along with a pencil. I stared at the paper.

Am I seriously going to do this?

I shook my head

I have to, to keep them alive

I lifted my pencil and remembered Zalgo's words.

"For starters, you need to make sure Liu gets heartbroken. You'll have to escape from Slender's office and write a note stating that you don't belong here and how they shouldn't come and search for you"

"Crush his feelings so he won't be depressed after your death. I guess just tell him you never loved him and you were just using him"

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