Chapter 18

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The H/C haired girl laid on her bed with tears staining her bedsheets. The door opened and revealed a 15-year-old blonde guy.

His face saddened by the sight in front of him. "Y/N" he spoke out while closing the door. "What's wrong?" He asked. He walked towards his 10-year-old half-sibling. She shook her head.

He sighed knowing well why she was crying. "Is it dad?" He asked while playing with her hair. She nodded.

He got up and hugged her while taking a seat on her bed. "Y/n Please don't cry anymore. I mean it's okay to cry because we have to let our emotions out. Crying doesn't mean you're weak, it only shows you've been strong for some time now. You're only 10." He moved her hair out of her face. "I love you so much. We might not be related by blood but you mean the entire world to me. What I liked about our parents getting married is the part where we are now family. I might not always be here with you because I'll be busy with college but I can guarantee you, it will get better. I'll have a great job and then you'll move in with me and our lives will be filled with happiness and no pain." He wiped her tears. "I love you Y/N" she smiled and snuggled against his chest.


"Would you want to know your sister's thoughts about you?" Zalgo asked.

Alex shook his head. "I know you'll lie to me and I'm not falling for that."

Zalgo laughed. "She thinks you're the worst brother out there. I mean you weren't even there to defend her when her parents were about to kill her. Do you honestly think she likes you? Look at yourself, you can't even defend anyone" He slowly looked at her with tears in his eyes.

"Is that true Y/N?" He asked while crying.

Y/N's eyes closed but then she nodded. Alex's eyes widened and shook his head in disbelief. "No..." he whispered.


I woke up with my heart beating fast. I tried to catch my breath but wasn't able to. I looked around and saw that I was in my room. Soon I caught my breath and laid back down while thinking.

It was just a dream I thought while closing my eyes.

I opened my eyes again and looked at the clothes I was wearing. They were the same ones I was wearing in my dream...wait. I thought about my dream for a few seconds. I shook my head when it finally hit me.

It wasn't a dream.

I wanted to yell, I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry.

Alex can't be dead, he just can't.

Tears were spilling out of my eyes. My brother was dead all because of Zalgo. I threw my pillows at the door out of anger.

I don't have anyone left. He was the only one I cared about and now he's dead!

Speaking of the devil he appeared right in front of my door after I threw the pillow.

"Y/N? Why are you crying?" He asked.

I looked at him with an angered expression.

You fucking promised Alex wasn't going to die you fucking bastard!

He smirked. "I didn't promise anything. Why can't you see he was in the way?! He was going to tell Slender his suspicions about you!"

I shook my head. He wouldn't be able to do that.

"He would, but anyways I came here to tell you Liu is next. He's getting too close to you and we can't allow that"

I shook my head. No not Liu because he's the only one that keeps me sane in here.

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