Chapter 2

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We both stared at each other for what seemed like minutes. He only smirked at me while I tried to keep a straight face.

He slowly started to walk towards me which made me freak out. Even though I knew he was drunk, I wasn't sure if I could still have a chance of surviving this. Soon as he was about a foot away from me, I immediately kicked his legs so that he would fall. He dropped the pocket knife in which I grabbed before he had the chance to grab it again.

"You wouldn't dare to kill your only family member left," He laughed while shaking his head. I glared at him and held the knife tighter. "Imagine what your pathetic mother would say if she saw you like this...oh wait she can't because she's dead!"

After he said those words I felt something trigger inside. All of my sadness was replaced by anger. I quickly stabbed him in the heart multiple times while closing my eyes. I didn't want to see his dead body.

After a few seconds, I stopped as I was getting tired. I opened my eyes and slowly got up. I knew I had to kill Angelica seeing as my father was already dead. I slowly walked out of my bedroom with a million thoughts in my head. I didn't know what I was doing, I just did what I felt like doing.

All those years of endless torture were about to end in a few seconds. I wickedly smiled at the thought. I was about to reach towards freedom and I wasn't planning on letting it go.

I soon arrived at their shared room. Before opening the door I took a deep breath. I needed to make sure this plan wasn't going to fail. I quickly opened the door and saw that Angelica was asleep on the bed. She looked so peaceful, I hated it. I slowly walked towards her, making sure I didn't wake her up. I held my knife tighter on my grip.

As soon as I was next to her, she slowly woke up and widen her eyes. I smirked and covered her mouth to prevent any screams. I tried to stab her but her nails kept scratching my hand. I quickly slid her throat and eventually, her hands fell limb as I watched her life get taken away.

My sanity came back and a realization hit me. I was now a killer and I had to hide away the bodies.

I looked towards the window and saw that it was still the afternoon. I walked towards my room and grabbed my father's dead body and placed it nears Angelica's. I didn't know what was I supposed to do with their bodies.

I looked at the window again and saw the forest that was near. If luck was on my side, I could maybe drag the bodies onto the lake and hopefully, no one would see me.

A knock immediately made me break out of my thoughts. Panic was all I could feel. I didn't expect anyone to knock on the door. I stayed still for another 30 seconds until the doorbell rang. I slowly made my way towards the door, secretly wishing they had already left. After I was a few steps away from the door, another knock was heard.

I quickly took a breath to try to calm my nerves. I slowly unlocked the door and immediately widen my eyes at the sight in front of me.

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