Chapter 21

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Currently, we were in the living room with sleeping bags on the floor that Slenderman has provided for us. Funny how it appears that this event can bring us together even if we're at times at war.

Throughout the day Liu would always be following me. When I was packing a few things, he was there to help me so when he was packing his things, I offered to help. Don't get me wrong, I love his company but it's a bit too much you know. We just had dinner and we were back in the living room.

Ben lifted his spirit somehow and suggested playing games. No, I don't mean video games, I mean Truth or Dare, 7 Minutes in Heaven, Spin The Bottle, and Would you rather. Slender thought it was a bad idea seeing as Offender was there and Sally is too innocent which is why he suggested board games or just watching tv.

It was around 10 pm and Sally wasn't tired, therefore Slender suggested they should both go out and walk around the Slender Forest.  If Zalgo would attack them, Slender could always teleport back to the mansion and warn us.

But it also allowed us to play those games Ben had in mind.

"Alright, so this sleepover isn't like a normal one because the girls are here," He smirked Clockwork, Jane, and me who were at his right side. "Which is why this is the perfect time to play a few games"

"If they're inappropriate then you can't play with us because you're still a kid Ben," Laughing Jack said while laughing.

"Shut up emo clown face!" Ben yelled.

"He speaks the truth" Liu smirked and looked at me. Of course, he was sitting down next to me. I gave him a small smile.

"Oh shut up stitches. Anyways let's form a circle and play truth or dare and everyone has to participate."

The Slender brothers just stood standing.

"And we'll just watch as Offender isn't the best at handling himself," Splendorman explained.

We formed a circle and again Liu was on my right side and Clockwork on my left.

"Seeing as I started the game, I might as well start." Ben looked around like a predator looking for its prey.

"Toby" He smirked "Truth or Dare?

Toby widened his eyes but smirked. "T-truth"

Ben laughed. "I knew you would be a coward, anyway have you ever felt turned on?"

Toby looked away and blushed. "Y-yes"

Ben started to laugh along with the other guys.

Toby looked back and smirked. "H-Helen, truth or d-dare?"

"Dare" he stated.

"I d-dare you take your mask off"

Helen hesitated but gave in. He took off his mask, his black hair and blue eyes were revealed.

Helen looked at his left side where Puppeteer sat down. "Truth or Dare Puppet?"

Puppet stood silent for a few seconds until he spoke out. "Dare"

Helen smirked " I dare you to kiss Toby on the cheek"  (AN: I don't ship this btw)

"I hate you so much, Helen!" Puppeteer yelled while standing up.

"Yeah Helen, why couldn't you dare him to have a room by themselves and have some pleasure" Offender smirked.

Puppeteer was next to Toby and yelled at Offender. " You should keep your mouth shut as well"

"I never thought he would act like Jeff" Clockwork laughed with Jane.

I looked back towards Toby and Puppeteer, only to see Puppeteer blushing but kissing him on the cheek.

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