Chapter 38

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Dinner was finally served in which we were all gathered, including the Slender brothers. Liu was on my left while Alex was on my right like always. Slender was on the head of the table while his brothers were on the right and his proxies on the left.

"Knowing Slender, he'll probably make an announcement regards to your new royal status," Liu whispered towards my ear in which I rolled my eyes.

"I doubt it"

"Bet?" he said while smirking

"Bet," I said while smiling at him

"Children before we eat, I would like to announce something important," Slender said while standing up.

"Y/N is now the official ruler of the under realm," he announced while using his hand to point at me.

I mentally facepalmed myself

Everyone kept congratulating while looking at me in which I found it to be a bit uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong but attention is the last thing I want.

I faked a smile while looking at my plate.

I remember I didn't get much attention when I was younger. Only when Angelica and F/N came to my room to insult me. Sometimes I wonder what happened to their bodies. I remember The Rake was with them but I fled before he could have done anything to me.

I quickly shrugged that thought off and saw that some pastas were already eating

"Y/N are you alright?" I heard Liu ask in which I nodded.

I then remembered I will have to visit the under realm from time to time so I should probably go there again tomorrow and maybe stay a bit longer to know more about it

"You keep staring at your food so I know something is up"

I sighed, "I'm just thinking about the under realm and what Flair told me. I'm planning on going tomorrow morning before breakfast just to check how it's doing."

Liu quietly laughed, "How about this? I'll check the under realm tomorrow morning while you sleep and you could repay me by going on a simple date with me," he said while winking at me.

"How would that deal benefit you?" I asked while smirking.

"Having some alone time with you," he said while smirking back at me

I rolled my eyes and smiled, "Fine but I'm doing it next time"

"Going to the under realm or planning a date?" He asked.

"Both" I stated before taking a bite of F/C

I then realized Liu wouldn't be able to teleport back.

"Wait how would you return to the mansion if you can't teleport back? The two pillars are gone in the under realm" I asked

Liu then looked at me and smiled. "Slender told me I have teleporting powers but just in the under realm seeing as you have a higher title than me which means I can always teleport to the under realm and back here which is kinda creepy not going to lie"

I rolled my eyes, "you don't even know how to do that"

"Slender told me teleporting was pretty easy and if you did it then I should be able to do it"

"Fine but if you're unable to do it then I'm going with you"

"Fair enough"


The next morning I woke up at 8 and 9 in the morning is the usual time when Slender serves breakfast so I had an hour to get ready.

I then heard the door open and saw that Liu was the one that opened the door. He gave me a warm smile "Good morning Y/N"

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