Chapter 15

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I was surrounded by clouds everywhere. Everything was white and foggy, a peaceful place. I got up and looked around.

"Y/N" an echo was heard.

I looked everywhere but I couldn't see anything.

"Y/N" it spoke again.

I looked behind me but I didn't see anything. I felt someone tap me on my left shoulder. I turned around but no one was in sight.

Suddenly everything turned dark and I didn't see anything. All that I heard was a demonic laugh.


I woke up breathing heavily. I looked around and I was in my room; however, it was late at night. I read 1:20 on my clock. I sat up and immediately got greeted by Zalgo who was a foot away from me.

"I see you have awoken at a reasonable time" He smirked. I rolled my eyes but returned my gaze on him. "I shall be assisting you on luring Masky where we agreed seeing that it will be hard to...uh... communicate with him." He smirked again.

I gave him an annoyed look. So how will he be assisting me exactly?

As if he read my thoughts he spoke out. "I will be transforming into Sally seeing as everyone loves her"

I raised my eyebrow and he proceeded to show what he meant. A black mist surrounded him but immediately Sally showed up. I stared at her innocent green eyes.

"See Y/N, now I can convince him that there is an emergency." She/He explained innocently.

I couldn't believe that adorable girl was Zalgo in disguise. "Shall we go then?" she asked.

I nodded and we both left the room.


I knocked on his door and waited for a few seconds. Masky opened the door. He was still in his clothes and mask but I felt like something was off.

"What are you both doing awake?" He tiredly asked.

"Masky there's an emergency outside the mansion, we need your help!" Sally/Zalgo exclaimed

Masky nodded and followed us.

On our way downstairs, he suddenly asked, "What's the problem?"

Sally/Zalgo replied "You have to see it for yourself"

Once we were at the front door, Sally opened the door for us. We got outside and he looked around. I turned to look at him

"What seems to be the problem?" He asked.

Zalgo turned into his true figure and smirked behind him.

"The only problem here is you" and with that, he hit Masky in the head and got knocked out. Zalgo carried him in his arms and we teleported to an unknown place.


Zalgo chained his wrists onto the wall while Masly was on his knees. Zalgo took off his mask and I saw his brown hair. He slowly looked up at us and I stared at his blue eyes. I've never seen him without his mask.

"Y/N.....why?" He asked. His voice sounded weak.

"Because Masky, she is going to have revenge on her mother's death because you Creepypastas killed her."

"What are you talking about? That was-"

"That was something you'll regret"

Masky turned to look at me. "Y/N I can assure you that we didn't-"

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