TB'SW ♥ 17: Indication To Lacxous G.

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Chapter 17

Sting's plan of having dinner with me in one of the high end restaurants in BGC got fulfilled.

Even though it's almost three hours since I heard Sir Astrair's word “Jealousy Kills,” still lingers in my head. I even think I'm being abnormal now.

"Seems that your thinking. " Sting said that I didn't even realize that he's looking at me intently.

"Huh? " I only said. Now my head is floating somewhere else.

I'm loading. I didn't even understood the things that he told me. I onky pushed myself to smile and nod, where in fact I'm out of the world.

The thought of him being Lacxous G was creeping me out.

Who the fuck is he, really.

There are part of me that's saying that yes, he is. But some parts of me is also saying no, he's not.

Is this some kind of a trap?

I immediately trashed those things that is making my mind erratic. I don't want to think of anything. I should not look for him, I should not care about him, I should just let everything of this pass. I know this isn't the permanent thing.

I am so frustrated. And the fact that everyone close to me is my suspect is even more frustrating.

I know I am the onky one who's putting these ideas in my head. I should not mind, I should not even care.

What if I'll just let him do all of these things? Well, He's not harming me, so maybe its fine?

But what if he's not doing bad to me only for now? Should I wait for that moment to come? Should I wait for that moment that he'll really harm me?

I need to find Lacxous G. For the sake of my confusion and curiosity.

"Let's go home, Erza." Sting said.

I only nodded and stood up. I guess we really should.

He's the one driving my car, I hop in the front seat but the idea of my stalker still lingers in my head.

Sir Astrair really sounds like Lacxous G.

Sir Gray calls me qith the same endearment Lacxous G has for me.

Sting have the same voice as Lacxous G.

Who might be in them? Or I'm just really accusing them.

I sighed. Just a little bit more Erza then you're good of beinv crazy.

When we arrived at my house, I immediately arranged the guestroom for him.

He immediately rested especially that he's still gonna face his manager tomorrow.

I am bathing while thinking of the posible clues that might take me to Lacxous G.

But its too hard! I am not a detective for that.

When I went out from the bathroom, I'm so shock from what I am seeing. I can't believe this! This is so scary!

God, what does this Lacxous G really wants?!

On my bed, there were 2 pairs of nighties and three letters on my bed.

How did he put this inside my bed.

I went on the two pairs of nighties, the N.Y.C was written on its tag. Am I wrong? I guess NYC doesn't stands for New York City,  because this is the brand tag.

I opened one of his letter, I am shaking in fear, why do I feel like his all eyes were on me. Even inside my room. That kinda creepy.


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