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The younger male stared at me with wide eyes but didn't say anything. I waited some minutes to give him time to answer because I could see that he was having an inner battle with himself.

He finally looked at me again and shook his head. "I'm sorry but I can't tell you. Believe me, I really really want to but I'm not the only one who's involved so I can't decide by myself." He sighed.

I nodded a bit. No one could force him to tell me and I also didn't want to cause a fight between Namjoon and the other person who was involved in whatever. He did so much for me and didn't deserve this.

"I promise that I will tell you as soon as I know if it's ok to I talk about it." Namjoon said and I decided to give him time and wait. I wouldn't wait long but I wanted to give him at least some days.

"Ok. But if I ask next time, I won't accept that excuse." I reminded him and grabbed my stuff. The next class was starting soon and I wanted to go to the grocery store because my baby was screaming for chips.

"Thank you Mark." Namjoon said with a honest smile. It seemed like he really needed that time to make things up "No problem. See you in class." I quickly smiled back and left the library.

The hallway was empty and I heard some teacher's voice coming out of one of the classrooms, explaining some random maths exercise. Luckily, there were still twenty minutes until my next class.

I loved it when the hallway was empty. Whenever it was crowded, I always felt very uncomfortable, especially since I was pregnant and started to show. People who came too close could feel the bump.

I actually didn't want to hide my pregnancy and I didn't change that decision but I was still afraid of the day everyone would find out. They would probably make jokes about me or judge me.

It wouldn't be the worst experience in my life so I guessed, it would be alright. I only hoped that no one would find out that it was Jackson's. I had decided that I wanted to safe his reputation and not involve him at school.

I walked outside and cuddled into the jacket I was wearing. Although I knew it might be a bit stupid, I was still wearing Jackson's jacket which he had given me and I still hadn't washed it. His smell made me feel safe.

Some people were standing our sitting on the campus but I didn't pay attention to them until I saw a familiar face. It was Jaebum who was nervously walking up and down. It seemed like he was talking to himself.

I let out a small chuckle and went over to the black-haired boy who flinched when he heard my voice greeting him happily. He stared at me for a second before he relaxed. "Hi Mark." He greeted me back.

I tried my best to hide my grin when I saw him blushing slightly from embarrassment. "So... what exactly were you doing here?" I asked, not able to stop myself from grinning widely.

Jaebum nervously scratched the back of his neck. "Nothing." He quickly said but of course I wouldn't buy this lie. I didn't know him well but that wasn't necessary to see that he was hiding something.

"You were talking to yourself. As if this is nothing. Are you sure you're alright?" I asked and the younger started to laugh. "Yes, I'm fine. There's no need to worry ." He explained. "So what were you doing then?" I asked and looked at him again. He sighed.

A small tint of red crawled on his cheeks and he bit his bottom lip. "I was practicing for something." He finally admitted and I raised my eyebrows in confusion. Practicing? For what?

I didn't hesitate to ask my question out loud and the blush on Jaebum's cheeks got a bit more intense and my grin widened again. I didn't even know it was possible. My cheeks even started to hurt.

He took a deep breath and pulled me a bit closer. "Can you keep a secret?" He nearly whispered and I nodded quickly. "Of course." I said and the younger looked around to see if someone was near us.

I had to admit that I was kinda excited because I had the feeling that I was about to find something out that no one else knew so far. But unluckily, Jaebum got interrupted by two loud voices.

I turned into the direction from where the voices were coming and saw two familiar figures who were obviously fighting. The black-haired saw them, too and we both walked over to stop them and see what had happened.

Happy new year everyone! I hope you had a great Christmas time and enjoyed the holidays!

Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter!

Thank you for reading 💙

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