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It had taken me almost three days to get the courage to talk to Jackson. Most of the time had been spent trying to find the right words to tell him what I meant, to make him understand that he didn't do anything wrong, that this was about me.

I honestly didn't think he would actually be offended but I also didn't want to take a risk. I wanted to stay friends with him, to be able to contact him anytime and spend time together with our daughter without us being awkward around another.

I had asked him to come to my room a few minutes ago and was now waiting for him to finish unpacking his bag from swimming practice. Now that I was actually about to break the news to him I felt nervous. My heart nearly beat out of my chest.

I almost jumped out my skin when I heard the door open. "Oh sorry, it's just me." Jackson said, entering the room. He seemed to be in a good mood and honestly, it made me feel a bit more at ease. I didn't know if I had talked otherwise.

However, despite the light weight that had been lifted of my chest, I still felt incredibly nervous and had to try my hardest to fight my inner voice that was telling me to run. I knew I was overreacting but I couldn't help it.

"No problem." I told him with a light smile and mentally prepared myself for what I would say next. "You know, there's actually something I want to talk about." I began and waited for him to process my words before continuing.

"You and your parents have been my greatest help during the past months and I'm grateful for every second of it. You've become an important person in my life, you're family. And I don't want you to think otherwise." I explained.

Jackson raised an eyebrow, obviously confused by my sudden confession. It was quiet for a moment until he gestured for me to go on. "I have decided that I would like to move out together with Lily." I finally broke the bomb.

The younger didn't say anything, just looked at me in surprise. He hadn't expected it. His silence made me feel uneasy. "Look, this is not because of you. I just feel like I've been here for so long and I already owe you so much. I don't want to overstay."

"And I also think it's time for me to stand on my own feet. Please don't be mad. I won't take Lily away from you. You can see her whenever you want. I'll also give you a key to my apartment if you'd like that." I continued.

"Wait, you have an apartment?" He didn't sound angry or upset which was good. It seemed to go better than I had thought. I only nodded in response. After another moment of silence, Jackson finally started to speak.

"Wow, I didn't really see that coming. But I guess, I understand how you're feeling. It must be weird to live in someone else's house for such a long time." He chuckled but quickly went serious again. "And you're really sure about it?"

"I am sure. I've thought about this for quite awhile now. I don't want to burden your parents any longer and I know that I can make it." I said, determination evident in my voice. Jackson sighed. "And what did my parents say?" He asked like he knew I had talked to them beforehand.

"They are ok with it. I think especially your mother is a little sad about it but they respect my decision and offered their support. And I really hope that you support me, too. I still want us to be a family." I gave him a small smile.

I knew that I actually wasn't asking that much from him but it somehow felt like I was asking for a huge favor. Maybe because I wasn't used to ask him for anything. At least, for nothing major. It usually was about Lily.

"Alright. If this is what you want and you're really sure about it, I won't object. I want you to be comfortable and I'm sure you'll take care of Lily well, even without mom's help. And of course, I will support you in any way you need me."

My initial nervousness had almost disappeared by now and turned into huge gratitude. I was happy that he had taken the news so well, that he still wanted to support me. It meant a lot to me. "Thank you. You don't know how much this means to me."

Jackson came over and petted my head. "No problem. As you said, we're family. And that won't change just because we don't live under the same roof anymore. I'll make sure to come over as much as I can. We'll make this work." He smiled.

I got up and hugged him. "I can't believe that I'm going to say this, but I'm really going to miss you." I told him honestly. Jackson let out a quiet laugh. "I'm going to miss you, too Markie." He answered, holding me close to him.

Who would have thought that this would ever happen? That we would ever miss each other? A year ago, we had hated each other and I had been sure that I would have to raise our daughter alone because he hadn't wanted her.

One year wasn't long but somehow it felt like a small lifetime. So much had happened, had changed. For the better. We were friends now and parents who wanted to raise their child together, to give her the family she deserved.

I couldn't be any happier. And now, my life would change even more. After living with my parents my whole life and spending the last year with Jackson's family, I would live in my first own apartment, giving Lily her first own room.

I wouldn't lie, I was still nervous and a little scared of the unknown ahead of me but I knew I would never be completely alone. I had my parents, the Wangs and of course, Jackson himself. They would support me. And with their help, I would make it. I was sure of it.

I might have forgotten that this still exists. But don't worry, it's over now.

Next part will be the Epilogue ♡

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